Chattanooga Times Free Press

Pilot arrested after landing aircraft on lawn of Capitol


WASHINGTON — Police arrested a man who steered his tiny aircraft onto the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol after flying through restricted airspace around the National Mall Wednesday.

One congressio­nal official identified the pilot as Doug Hughes, a Florida Postal Service worker who took responsibi­lity for the stunt on a website where he said he was delivering letters to all 535 members of Congress to draw attention to campaign finance corruption. Public records showed that Hughes is 61 and lives in Ruskin, Fla.

“As I have informed the authoritie­s, I have no violent inclinatio­ns or intent,” Hughes wrote on his website, thedemocra­ “An ultralight aircraft poses no major physical threat — it may present a political threat to graft. I hope so. There’s no need to worry — I’m just delivering the mail.”

The Senate aide said Capitol Police knew of the plan shortly before Hughes took off, and said he had previously been interviewe­d by the U. S. Secret Service. The aide spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss details of the investigat­ion. Capitol Police declined to confirm the man’s identity.

Capitol Police identified the open-air aircraft, which sported the U.S. Postal Service logo and landed about half a city block from the Capitol building, as a “gyrocopter with a single occupant.” About two hours after the device landed, police announced that a bomb squad had cleared it and nothing hazardous had been found.

The authoritie­s then moved it off the Capitol lawn to a secure location.

House Homeland Security panel Chairman Michael McCaul, R-Texas, said the pilot landed on his own, but authoritie­s were prepared to shoot him down if he had made it much closer to the Capitol. “Had it gotten any closer to the speaker’s balcony they have long guns to take it down, but it didn’t. It landed right in front,” McCaul said.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A member of a bomb squad checks a small helicopter after a man landed on the lawn of the Capitol on Wednesday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A member of a bomb squad checks a small helicopter after a man landed on the lawn of the Capitol on Wednesday.

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