Chattanooga Times Free Press



There was something bracingly honest about an op- ed article in The Washington Post last week by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala. Under the headline “America Needs to Curb Immigratio­n Flows,” Sessions, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary’s immigratio­n subcommitt­ee, argued the case for letting in fewer foreigners.

Even hard-liners on the same side of the issue as Sessions — like Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas, Rep. Lamar Smith of Texas and Rep. Steve King of Iowa — take pains to cloak anti- immigratio­n arguments with benign-sounding words of tolerant welcome. They say they support legal immigratio­n. It’s illegal immigratio­n they oppose.

But here is Sessions, ditching the usual Republican talking points on immigratio­n, choosing instead to echo an uglier time in our history, when nativists wielded the spurious argument that the more immigrants taken in by America, the worse off America is.

He’s advocating for “slowing the pace” of legal immigratio­n, supposedly to increase job opportunit­ies for native- born, low- skilled workers, particular­ly African-Americans. He equates a wave of immigratio­n from the 1970s to the present with the continuing “contractio­n” of the middle-class. Admitting too many foreign- born workers, he says, lowers the wages of Americans, and he worries darkly about the effect of so many foreigners on “schools, hospitals and many other community resources.”

The libertaria­ns at the Cato Institute, no bleeding hearts, took the time for a detailed rebuttal, citing basic free- market reasons that the zero-sum argument from Sessions is off- base.

Immigrants lift the economy as new workers and consumers, and they do not strain the welfare safety net. There is not a fixed number of jobs over which immigrants and the native-born grapple. The economy is far more dynamic than that, and a lot of its dynamism comes from immigratio­n.

This is all so obvious — or it used to be — that most mainstream Republican­s accepted it. Yet Sessions accuses the financial and political “elite” of a conspiracy to keep wages down through immigratio­n. He seems to be betting that a revival of 1920s- style closed- borders populism will resonate, at a time when many Americans are fretting about income inequality and shriveled opportunit­y. Politician­s on the left — like Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachuse­tts; Mayor Bill de Blasio of New York; and Zephyr Teachout, the Fordham law professor who ran a spirited campaign for New York governor — have persuasive­ly argued that corporatis­t forces are making life difficult for the working woman and man. To excite Democratic voters in her presidenti­al campaign, Hillary Rodham Clinton may have to adopt the same stance, or at least convincing­ly fake it.

But nowhere in that argument is there a case for yanking America’s welcome mat. Sessions ignores the truth, proved over centuries, that immigratio­n overall is good for the U.S. economy. His tears for low-income Americans fail to impress, given his party’s obdurate hostility to policies that help the poor and working class.

If he truly wanted to lift them up, he would be better off supporting labor unions and women’s rights, higher minimum wages, tougher wage- and- hour enforcemen­t, more access to child- care and reproducti­ve rights. And immigratio­n reform that unleashes the economic power of the nation’s shadow unauthoriz­ed population and welcomes the newcomers that our society and economy need.

America’s long success as an immigratio­n nation is hard to argue against. Unless you never wanted the immigrants here in the first place, which Sessions now seems willing to admit.

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