Chattanooga Times Free Press

Girl’s embarrassm­ent shows it’s time for a shaving lesson

- Dear Abby Written by Jeanne Phillips

DEAR ABBY: My husband and I are having a disagreeme­nt about one of our three daughters. Our 8-year-old is very hairy. It is noticeable, and she doesn’t like wearing shorts, skirts or dresses because of it. Her classmates tease her about it. I want to teach her how to shave her legs or show her how to use hair remover. Her father is angry that I want to “do this” to his little girl. I was a hairy child as well, and I was teased about my hairy legs and my unibrow, which my parents wouldn’t let me shave or pluck. I remember how painful it was, how upset it made me and how different I felt from my classmates because of it. I told myself as a child that when I grew up, I’d never let my daughter go through the same torment. Should we wait a few more years, or should I buy the products I need and teach her what she’ll be doing for the rest of her life? — HAIRY SITUATION

DEAR H.S.: Your husband may mean well, but he may not realize what being the object of ridicule can do to a little girl’s self-esteem. You’re her mother, and you know what to do — so do it. Sometimes girls have to stick together, and this is one of them.

DEAR ABBY: After 26 years of marriage, I recently left my husband. We live only a few blocks from each other, so we run into each other often at the store, the gas station, everywhere.

My problem is more about running into some of the women he cheated on me with. One of them always ends up at the same shopping center or restaurant where I happen to be. She thinks I don’t know who she is.

At first I didn’t want to say anything to her, but now it has really gotten to me. What can I tell her the next time she meets up with me? I want to keep myself from yelling at her. Please help me. — CAN’T FIND THE WORDS IN HOUSTON

DEAR CAN’T: You don’t know whether the woman your ex cheated with is stable or some kind of wingnut. Sometimes it’s safer not to be able to “find the words” rather than pick a fight. My advice is to avoid her as much as possible.

DEAR ABBY: I recently took a long internatio­nal flight. The man sitting next to me coughed during the eight- hour flight without once covering his mouth. What is a polite way to tell someone to cover his/ her mouth when coughing? Two days into my trip, I developed a fever and a bad cough, so it seems he passed his illness on to me. — FEVERISH FLIER

DEAR FLIER: Your seat partner showed an extreme lack of considerat­ion not only for you, but for other passengers seated in his immediate vicinity — and it’s very possible he infected others besides you. It is not impolite to ASK people who cough and sneeze to please cover their mouth so you won’t catch what they have, and that’s what you should have done right away, or ask to change your seat if an unoccupied one was available.

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