Chattanooga Times Free Press

Taliban confirm Mullah Omar’s death, choose his successor


KABUL, Afghanista­n — The Taliban confirmed the death of longtime leader Mullah Mohammad Omar and appointed his successor Thursday, as a new round of peace talks was indefinite­ly postponed amid concerns over how committed the new leadership is to ending the militant group’s 14-year insurgency.

The Afghan Taliban Shura, or Supreme Council, chose Mullah Omar’s deputy, Mullah Akhtar Mansoor, as its new leader, two Taliban figures told The Associated Press, saying the seven-member council had met in the Pakistani city of Quetta.

Mansoor is considered close to Pakistani authoritie­s who hosted peace talks earlier this month, and his election could widen an internal split between fighters who favor negotiatio­ns with the Afghan government and those who want to continue an insurgency that has gained speed following the end of the internatio­nal combat mission last year.

Mansoor has effectivel­y commanded the movement for the three years since Mullah Omar’s previous deputy and co-founder of the movement, Mullah Abdul Baradar, was arrested by Pakistani authoritie­s. Observers say he has the respect of battlefiel­d commanders and is behind the intensific­ation of the war in recent months as a means of strengthen­ing the Taliban’s hand as it enters into a formal dialogue with Kabul.

The peace process was plunged into uncertaint­y earlier Thursday when the Taliban indicated they were pulling out of the negotiatio­ns and Pakistan’s Foreign Ministry announced the talks, which were to have been hosted by Islamabad beginning today, had been postponed.

The Taliban ruled Afghanista­n from 1996 until they were overthrown in a U.Sled invasion in 2001. It is widely believed that Mullah Omar fled over the border to Pakistan, where he lived under Pakistani protection until his death.

Afghan President Ashraf Ghani has sought Pakistan’s help in bringing the Taliban to the negotiatio­ns since Islamabad is believed to wield influence over the group.

A diplomat based in Kabul who is familiar with the peace process told the AP that since Ghani assumed power last year the government’s position has been that “the real negotiatio­n is between Afghanista­n and Pakistan.” The diplomat spoke on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to discuss the ongoing talks.

Despite operating in near-total secrecy, the reclusive one-eyed Mullah Omar had served as a unifying figure in the Taliban. But experts have long spoken of a divide in the movement between those who favor the peace process and those who still believe they can overthrow the government.

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