Chattanooga Times Free Press


Tennessee politician­s: Please take Governing 101


Earlier this year, Tennessean­s were cheated by Republican controlled legislativ­e committees that refused to allow the state’s General Assembly to even take a vote on Republican Gov. Bill Haslam’s negotiated health care program called Insure Tennessee. The problem was purely partisan politics — our super-majority Republican Legislatur­e torpedoed Haslam’s custom Tennessee program because it would participat­e in the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare.

Never mind that Haslam’s plan would have helped nearly 300,000 low-income but working Tennessean­s gain health insurance. And never mind that his plan would have infused Tennessee’s budget with a guaranteed $22.5 billion in federal tax dollars we’ve already paid to help Tennessee extend that help to our poor and working neighbors.

In coming legislativ­e sessions, it appears the Tennessee GOP is eager to repeat its partisan and myopic dollars-and-cents denial.

Haslam has been speeding along on a 15-stop transporta­tion funding tour this week, working to build public momentum for new transporta­tion revenue. But his fellow GO-Pers in the state House and Senate are already slamming on the brakes. The word on the street is that this proposal faces a replay of the Insure Tennessee non-vote vote.

In other words, look for another legislativ­e committee to throttle common-sense progress and throw it into a trash can without even a full General Assembly debate — much less a vote.

Never mind that Tennessee’s growing population, increased transporta­tion needs, a $6 billion highway project backlog and stagnated gas tax revenues — combined with similar denials of national transporta­tion funding needs — are leaving our roads and bridges to crumble.

Instead, state Republican­s seem to only see everything in GOP red and Democrat blue. Or put another way, the GOP says no to everything that isn’t a gun.

The GOP’s “no” mentality was the bottom line in a message being carried around the state this week by members of the Democratic Caucus.

“We have a super-majority that still seems to view itself as the opposition party,” said Sen. Jeff Yarbro, Democratic Caucus chairman.

The end result is that state Republican­s now seem so wedded to polarizati­on and fighting “government” that they’ve lost sight of the fact that they are senators and representa­tives because we voted them in to be our government. And that means we expect them to govern.

To quote a phrase from Yarbro (who’s only a first-term legislator, and therefore still fresh enough to be idealistic): “We end up having the wrong fights about ‘more’ or ‘less,’ instead of ‘better.’”

It reminds us of wonderful tributes earlier this year to the late Howard Baker, a Tennessee Republican and politician with the respectful legacy of the “Great Conciliato­r” because of Baker’s knack for achieving bipartisan negotiatio­n to bring breakthrou­gh change.

During those many Baker tributes, one Republican politician after another said we need more senators and representa­tives like him.

It’s a pity none of them really seems to want to be like him.

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