Chattanooga Times Free Press



Finally, President Barack Obama is taking the action that our do- nothing, know- nothing, carefor-nothing-but-themselves Congress members haven’t had the courage to do: work to curb gun violence in our country.

Our lawmakers, on the other hand, have consistent­ly averted their eyes and focus from American public opinion and the grieving family members of gun violence victims. Instead our Congress has bowed to the National Rifle Associatio­n’s high-spending gun lobby and blocked needed change.

The NRA’s often repeated propaganda that common- sense gun regulation­s amount to infringeme­nt on Second Amendment rights is blatant hogwash. And GOP presidenti­al candidates’ claims (Ted Cruz and Donald Trump in particular) that asking every gun buyer to pass a background check is synonymous with “taking away our guns” is an outright lie.

The vast majority of Americans know this. And they reject it.

In a Quinnipiac University poll taken Dec. 16-20 ( two weeks after the San Bernardino, Calif., massacre), 89 percent of registered voters said they would support a law requiring background checks on people buying guns at gun shows or online — a loophole that currently exists. On this aspect of gun control, even 87 percent of Republican­s support tighter gun laws, along with 95 percent of Democrats and 86 percent of voters who identify themselves as independen­ts.

In the same poll, 58 percent of registered voters support a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons, and only 38 percent oppose such a ban. Likewise, 55 percent of voters said it is “too easy” to buy a gun in the U.S. today

Our favorite answers in this poll, however, were the ones made to this question: “As you may know, individual­s on the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list are not allowed to fly on planes. Would you support or oppose banning those on the U.S. government’s terrorist watch list from purchasing guns?”

A whopping 83 percent support banning those on the terrorist watch list from purchasing guns, including 77 percent of Republican voters. (But, go figure — just after the San Bernardino terrorist-inspired shooting, our U.S. Senate voted 45-54 to reject an amendment that would bar people on the terrorist watch list from legally buying a firearm or explosives.)

Seriously? What’s unconstitu­tional about preventing a suspected terrorist from buying a gun?

On New Year’s Day, the president announced during his radio address that he would talk to Attorney General Loretta Lynch about measures he can take on his own to halt “our epidemic of gun violence.” White House spokesmen say he will participat­e in a live televised town-hall-style meeting Thursday at 8 p.m. to discuss it further.

Thank you, Mr. President. We look forward to what we’re sure our GOP Congress members will call your “lawless” (we call it thankfully common-sense) executive actions.

 ?? STAFF FILE PHOTO BY DOUG STRICKLAND ?? Seized firearms are displayed on a cart in the lobby of the property evidence room at the Police Services Center in this October photo. President Barack Obama is expected to take executive action this week to strengthen the nation’s gun laws.
STAFF FILE PHOTO BY DOUG STRICKLAND Seized firearms are displayed on a cart in the lobby of the property evidence room at the Police Services Center in this October photo. President Barack Obama is expected to take executive action this week to strengthen the nation’s gun laws.

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