Chattanooga Times Free Press

Catholic voice from Africa judges America on sex


When United Methodists argue about sex and marriage, these doctrinal struggles usually evolve into clashes between progressiv­es in America and conservati­ves in the growing churches of the global south, especially Africa.

When Anglicans knock heads over the same issues, the loudest voices on the doctrinal left are from America and Europe, while most of the conservati­ves are from Africa and Asia.

It’s safe to call this an ecclesiast­ical trend, especially in light of recent debates about marriage, family and sexuality in the largest Christian flock of all: the Roman Catholic Church. Consider, for example, the salvos delivered by Cardinal Robert Sarah of Guinea at the recent National Catholic Prayer Breakfast in Washington, D.C.

Catholics are now witnessing, he argued, the consummati­on of “efforts to build a utopian paradise on earth without God. … Good becomes evil, beauty is ugly, love becomes the satisfacti­on of sexual primal instincts and truths are all relative. So all manner of immorality is not only accepted and tolerated today in advanced societies, but even promoted as a social good. The result is hostility to Christians, and, increasing­ly, religious persecutio­n.

“Nowhere is this clearer than in the threat that societ-

ies are visiting on the family through a demonic ‘gender ideology,’ a deadly impulse that is being experience­d in a world increasing­ly cut off from God through ideologica­l colonialis­m.”

Cardinal Sarah is not the first prelate from the global south to use “demonic” language in a public-square battle over marriage.

During Argentina debates in 2010, Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio said efforts to legalize samesex marriage are “not simply a political struggle,” but part of an “attempt to destroy God’s plan.” The legislatio­n, he added, was a “move of the father of lies who seeks to confuse and deceive the children of God.”

The “father of lies” reference was drawn from the Gospel of John, chapter eight, in which Satan is called “a liar and the father of lies.” Bergoglio, of course, softened his language — but not his doctrinal views — when he became Pope Francis.

Reacting to Cardinal Sarah’s remarks, Michael Sean Winters of the liberal National Catholic Reporter said they contained few surprises, in large part because the “so-called National Catholic Prayer Breakfast” is actually a kind of “GOP at Matins” formality.

While praising the cardinal’s views on economic justice and the radical individual­ism that shapes modern life, Winters claimed that he showed a tendency to “cherry-pick” Francis quotes that served his purposes, while ignoring “forward-thinking items” popular on the left.

Clearly, Cardinal Sarah is not enthusiast­ic about the “winds of change” unleashed by Pope Francis, wrote Winters, who is currently part of the Institute for Policy Research and Catholic Studies at the Catholic University of America. For example, the cardinal offered no sense that “God is active in the lives of all people,” that some people “think samesex unions, while different from traditiona­l marriage, should nonetheles­s be seen not as demonic but as an appropriat­ion of healthy values into a situation that is different from that conceptual­ized by moral theologian­s for most of the last 20 centuries.”

As for the African prelate’s reference to transgende­r “bathroom wars,” Winters added: “I would love to see the look on the cardinal’s face if, while using the men’s room, Caitlyn Jenner walked in.”

While Cardinal Sarah mentioned other hot-button political issues, he placed a quotation from Saint Pope John Paul II at the heart of his remarks: “The future of the world and the Church passes through the family.”

“This is why the devil is so intent on destroying the family,” said Sarah, who in 2014 was named leader of the Vatican’s Congregati­on for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments by Pope Francis. “The rupture of the foundation­al relationsh­ips of someone’s life — through separation, divorce or distorted imposition­s of the family, such as cohabitati­on and same-sex unions — is a deep wound that closes the heart to self-giving love unto death, and even leads to cynicism and despair. …

“This is not about abstract ideas. It is not an ideologica­l war between competing ideas. This is about defending ourselves, children and future generation­s from a demonic ideology that says children do not need mothers and fathers. It denies human nature and wants to cut off entire generation­s from God.”

Terry Mattingly is the editor of GetReligio­n. org and Senior Fellow for Media and Religion at The King’s College in New York City. He lives in Oak Ridge, Tenn.

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Terry Mattingly

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