Chattanooga Times Free Press


Sunscreen doesn’t work as well as it says: What to do?


TRENTON, N.J. — Something to consider as you head to the beach or pool over the July Fourth weekend: That sunscreen in your bag may not protect your skin as much as you think.

Even after regulators updated standards for labeling sunscreen four years ago, tests have shown many provide far less protection than advertised.

That’s a worry because too much exposure to the ultraviole­t rays produced by the sun can lead to skin cancer, including melanoma, the deadliest type. The American Cancer Society forecasts about 76,380 new melanoma cases and about 10,130 patient deaths this year.


While sunscreen protects your skin, take claims on the tube with a grain of salt.

In 2012, the FDA did a major

update of sunscreen standards, including banning the inaccurate, misleading terms “sunblock” and “waterproof.” Now manufactur­ers can only label products “water resistant” and must state how soon they break down from swimming or sweating, either 40 or 80 minutes.

In the meantime, use sunscreen that protects against both harmful types of ultraviole­t rays, UVA and UVB. Both can cause skin cancer, disfigurin­g lesions and premature wrinkling.

The level of protection against UVB rays is measured by something called SPF, or sun protection factor. For UVA rays, which penetrate skin more deeply, sunscreens are rated as passing or failing government standards.

Pick sunscreen rated at least SPF 30, considered the minimum needed. Avoid sunscreens labeled higher than SPF 50, which protects against 98 percent of UVB rays. Higher SPF numbers falsely imply much greater protection, leading some sun worshipper­s to stay outside longer.


“Use sunscreen every day, every time you poke your nose outside,” said Dr. Theresa M. Michele, who oversees the FDA’s evaluation of nonprescri­ption drug products.

You also have to use it correctly: Most people using sunscreen don’t realize they’re applying too little, too late and too infrequent­ly, said Dr. Darrell Rigel of the American Academy of Dermatolog­y’s sunscreen regulation­s task force.

An average-sized person should apply roughly an ounce, or about two tablespoon­s, on all exposed skin.

Apply it 15 to 30 minutes before going outside, then reapply at least every two hours, more frequently if swimming or sweating a lot. With spray-on sunscreen, apply two coats, then rub it in to ensure even coverage.


Of course the best way to prevent sunburn and skin cancer is as clear as day: Avoid the sun.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? A woman sits next to an umbrella while looking out toward the ocean in Folly Beach, S.C., last month.
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO A woman sits next to an umbrella while looking out toward the ocean in Folly Beach, S.C., last month.

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