Chattanooga Times Free Press


Trump takes Washington in triumphant tour


WASHINGTON — President-elect Donald Trump took a triumphant tour of the nation’s capital Thursday, holding a cordial White House meeting with President Barack Obama, sketching out priorities with Republican congressio­nal leaders and taking in the majestic view from where he’ll be sworn in to office.

Trump’s meeting with Obama spanned 90 minutes, longer than originally scheduled. Obama said he was “encouraged” by Trump’s willingnes­s to work with his team during the transition of power, and the Republican called the president a “very good man.”

“I very much look forward to dealing with the president in the future, including his counsel,” Trump said from the Oval Office. He’ll begin occupying the office on Jan. 20.

While Trump noted that he and Obama had never met before, their political histories will forever be linked. Trump spent years perpetrati­ng the lie that Obama was born outside the United States. The president campaigned aggressive­ly against Trump during the 2016 campaign, warning that

his election would put the republic at risk.

But at least publicly, the two men appeared to put aside their animosity. As the meeting concluded and journalist­s scrambled out of the Oval Office, Obama smiled at his successor and explained the unfolding scene.

“We now are going to want to do everything we can to help you succeed, because if you succeed the country succeeds,” Obama said.

From the White House, Trump headed to Capitol Hill for meetings with House Speaker Paul Ryan of Wisconsin and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky to discuss the GOP legislativ­e agenda. Ryan, who holds the most powerful post in Congress, was a sometime critic of Trump and never campaigned with the nominee.

Emerging from the meetings, Trump sketched out priorities for his presidency.

“We’re going to move very strongly on immigratio­n,” he said. “We will move very strongly on health care. And we’re looking at jobs. Big league jobs.”

Ryan took Trump on a tour of the Speaker’s Balcony overlookin­g the National Mall, the scene of Trump’s upcoming inaugurati­on. The view, Trump said, was “really, really beautiful.”

Trump was also beginning the process of putting together his White House team. Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus, who worked his way into Trump’s inner circle during the election, and top campaign official Kellyanne Conway were emerging as possible picks for White House chief of staff, according to two people familiar with the transition planning.

A third person said conservati­ve media executive Steve Bannon was also in the mix, though others insisted Bannon would not have a White House role. Those involved in the process insisted on anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the planning publicly. A decision on chief of staff is expected in the coming days.

First lady Michelle Obama met privately in the White House residence with Trump’s wife, Melania, while Vice President Joe Biden saw Vice President-elect Mike Pence late Thursday. Trump’s team was said to be sketching a robust role for Pence, an experience­d Washington hand, that would include both domestic and foreign policy responsibi­lities.

Obama and Trump met alone, with no staff present, White House press secretary Josh Earnest told reporters following the discussion.

“The two men did not relitigate their difference­s in the Oval Office,” Earnest said. “We’re on to the next phase.”

Trump traveled to Washington from New York on his private jet, breaking with protocol by not bringing journalist­s in his motorcade or on his plane to document his historic visit to the White House. Trump was harshly critical of the media during his campaign and for a time banned news organizati­ons whose coverage he disliked from his events.

 ?? AP PHOTO/PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS ?? President Barack Obama, right, meets with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Thursday.
AP PHOTO/PABLO MARTINEZ MONSIVAIS President Barack Obama, right, meets with President-elect Donald Trump in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington on Thursday.

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