Chattanooga Times Free Press

Gunman kills officer, self; woman found dead after fight


CANONSBURG, Pa. — A gunman with a history of domestic abuse fatally shot a police officer and wounded another on Thursday before he and a woman were found dead following a fight at their apartment, authoritie­s said.

Officer Scott Bashioum and the other officer were responding separately to an emergency call from neighbors at around 3:15 a.m. when they were “ambushed upon their arrival” and immediatel­y shot, state police Trooper Melinda Bondarenka said. The officers had arrived almost simultaneo­usly, though authoritie­s said other details of the initial confrontat­ion were unclear.

Bashioum, a father of four, died less than an hour later at a hospital, a coroner said. The 52-year-old had been on the police force for seven years.

The wounded officer, whose name was not released, was hospitaliz­ed in Pittsburgh in stable condition after surgery.

The man found in the home, 47-year-old Michael Cwiklinski, died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound, Washington County Coroner Timothy Warco ruled. Informatio­n on the woman hadn’t been released because authoritie­s hadn’t contacted her relatives, who live overseas. Police haven’t said how they believe the woman died.

But defense attorney David Wolf identified the dead woman as Cwiklinski’s girlfriend, Dalia Sabae, though some investigat­ors have been describing her as Cwiklinski’s wife and she listed herself as “married” on her Facebook page.

Wolf said he had known the couple since November 2015, when Cwiklinski was charged with simple assault and harassment for swinging a bag of merchandis­e and hitting Sabae in the eye. The case was resolved with the assault charge being dropped and Cwiklinski pleading guilty to harassment. He was sentenced to anger management classes and required to have a mental health evaluation, Wolf said.

Neighbors said police were called to the couple’s duplex frequently, and Canonsburg police Chief Al Coghill confirmed the gunman was known to authoritie­s, without providing details.

Sabae obtained a protection-from-abuse order last month, after dropping one she had last year, Wolf said.

“She told me they were having trouble again,” said Wolf, who couldn’t represent Sabae because he represente­d Cwiklinski.

Wolf said he had encouraged Sabae to get another protection order and said Cwiklinski was there when he ran into the couple at the county courthouse.

Cwiklinski and Sabae, an Egyptian citizen, had met online, the attorney said.

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