Chattanooga Times Free Press

Travel can be safe during pregnancy

DEAR DR. K: My job requires a lot of travel, and I recently became pregnant with my first child. What do I need to know about traveling safely during pregnancy?

- (This column ran originally in November 2014.)

DEAR READER: Being pregnant doesn’t mean you have to stay at home for nine months. There are exceptions; particular­ly in the last three months, some women develop complicati­ons of pregnancy that require them to be resting. But traveling by car, train or airplane can be less comfortabl­e when you’re pregnant, so you should take a few precaution­s to travel comfortabl­y and safely.

First, check with your obstetrica­l care provider to find out when he or she considers it safe for you to travel. Travel is generally considered safe during the first and second trimesters. In terms of comfort, the best time to travel is after your fourth month (when morning sickness is gone) and before your third trimester.

I do think it’s wise to avoid traveling long distances in the last month before your due date since they can be uncertain and babies can come early. Airlines also have their own rules. Most airlines prohibit internatio­nal travel after 32 weeks of pregnancy and domestic travel after 34 to 36 weeks.

At the airport, don’t worry about passing through metal detectors. They have very low levels of radiation that will not be harmful to you or your baby.

What about airport scanners? You don’t need to worry about them, either. You would have to go through 25,000 airport scanners to be exposed to the amount of radiation that you are naturally exposed to in a year from the sun.

Once on the plane, don’t sit for more than one hour at a time if you can avoid it. Walk around and stretch your legs frequently to reduce leg cramps. If you must stay in your seat, move your arms and legs to improve blood flow and prevent blood clots from forming. And always wear a seat belt on an airplane, even if the captain has turned off the seat belt sign.

Finally, drink at least six to eight glasses of water each day. This will keep you from getting dehydrated and will also prevent you from retaining water. Carry a water bottle with you in the car or on the plane and drink from it frequently.

 ??  ?? Dr. Anthony Komaroff
Dr. Anthony Komaroff

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