Chattanooga Times Free Press


- Andrew Malcolm

If you read much of the news, you’ve been told repeatedly that President Donald Trump is a clearly unbalanced man, a faux chief executive with no right to govern and ambitions to become a dictator just six weeks into the 208 of his first term.

If you’re a Trump supporter, the man is telling truth to power and already proceeding methodical­ly through implementa­tion of a long list of campaign promises, including nominating a solid Supreme Court justice and a Cabinet of experience­d pros to demolish the corrupt, bipartisan gridlock of Washington.

A Twitter friend recently said that if she were the mom of this squabbling America, the entire country would be sent to its room. As crazy as it seems in this fetid national climate of unthinking anger, both sides could be right. At least partly.

Like him or not, Trump won the presidency fair and square. His upset of historic proportion­s was magnified even further by the overconfid­ence and noblesse oblige of Democrats. By any reasonable standards, Hillary Clinton was an awful candidate who ran a terrible campaign, not in favor of herself but against Trump.

Even now, no one can say why she deserved to be president, other than Barack Obama approved of it and 2016 was her turn. Her loss is obviously someone else’s fault.

As uncouth and distastefu­l as he can be, the political genius of Donald J. Trump is that he makes everything about him. Yes, that’s narcissist­ic. But after Obama, we’re kinda used to it.

The mainstream media can’t believe it and are figurative­ly frothing at the mouth over what Trump gets away with. Fact is, they’ve fallen into the same Trump Trap as all the Clinton Clingons.

In some ways Trump invited such abuse.

But where was all this media fear and outrage when Obama’s team falsely swore to a federal judge that a Fox News reporter was a criminal co-conspirato­r so Obama could wiretap the reporter and family in its silly hunt for — wait for it — news leakers?

Trump’s media tirades are often juvenile and ridiculous; they’re not enemies, just opponents. But the president’s attacks are the farthest things from constituti­onal threats.

First of all, Trump needs media. If their big names were somehow largely cowed into obedience, who’s he going to assault and blame? The Omaha World-Herald? The Casper Star-Tribune?

President Trump let slip the secret during his first news conference. Here’s what he told shouting reporters trying to trip him:

“I’ll tell you something. I’ll be honest — because I sort of enjoy this back-and-forth. And I guess I have all my life.”

As do his supporters and a good number of detractors, who’ve turned Trump appearance­s and his press secretary’s news briefings into TV ratings hits on and cable.

Enough Americans have witnessed or perceived media misinterpr­etations and bias to enjoy seeing its elite members handed back some guff, even crudely. And there’s now a vibrant, imperfect social media on 24-hour online patrol.

Meanwhile, media members who blithely passed along Obama’s serial lies about, among many things, keeping your doctor and health plan under Obamacare, are now on Alpha Alert for Trump untruths, visibly relishing each one.

The Washington media need to stop whining, get off their high horse and do the jobs they chose, reporting accurately what a president says now and putting it in true context with what he said last year or last night.

Americans are not dumb, even if you disagree with their presidenti­al choice. In the years B.T. (Before Trump), millions decided the Fourth Estate had become more of a fifth column to combat traditiona­l values and fairness.

That’s dangerous, because our democracy needs a healthy, honest press. That’s not to mention the industry’s financial troubles. The best way to restore both trust and business health is to reboot and become real journalist­s again. Because it takes two sides to keep a war going.

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