Chattanooga Times Free Press

Federal review of Memphis police is on again


MEMPHIS — After announcing Friday morning it would halt a review and reform process of the Memphis Police Department, the U. S. Justice Department later said the process will continue after all.

City and federal officials agreed to resolve their difference­s over missed deadlines for submitting paperwork.

The Justice Department’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, or COPS, first said it was stopping its comprehens­ive review of the department because the parties could not agree on a memorandum of agreement “within a reasonable time period.”

Later, the Justice Department and the city both released statements saying the agreement was back in place. Memphis Mayor Jim Strickland signed the memorandum around 10 a.m., before the first Justice Department news release was distribute­d to media, the city said.

City officials expressed shock at the Justice Department’s first announceme­nt, and attributed it to a miscommuni­cation.

The Justice Department later said it had received the signed memorandum.

“The COPS Office is pleased to proceed with collaborat­ive reform and applauds the City of Memphis and Memphis Police Department for their leadership,” the department’s later statement said. “The COPS Office looks forward to a productive engagement.”

Justice Department officials launched the review in October after citizens criticized police use of deadly force and treatment of the black community in this majority African-American city. Strickland and Memphis Police Director Michael Rallings said at the time that the city invited federal authoritie­s to review the department’s policies involving community-oriented policing and the use of deadly force.

The review began after an announceme­nt in September that federal officials found insufficie­nt evidence to file civil rights charges in the July 2015 fatal shooting of a black man by a white officer. The shooting followed a traffic stop that escalated into a fight between 19-year-old Darrius Stewart and Officer Connor Schilling.

Stewart’s family is suing the city, accusing the police department of having policies that make it “okay to shoot first and ask questions second.” The city is challengin­g the lawsuit.

A Stewart family attorney is criticizin­g the police department and the Justice Department.

“The family of Darrius Stewart has little faith in the City of Memphis and the Department of Justice under the embattled Attorney General Jeff Sessions,” said Carlos Moore, a lawyer for Henry Williams, Stewart’s father. “Neither to date has proven trustworth­y, but my client Henry Williams continues to hope against hope for not only justice for his son Darrius but for real systemic reform in the Memphis Police Department.”

When the review was announced, President Barack Obama was still in office and Edward Stanton III was still the U. S. attorney for West Tennessee. Obama left office in January after Donald Trump won the November presidenti­al election, and Stanton has resigned. An acting U.S. attorney is temporaril­y replacing him.

Sessions, appointed by Trump, has been criticized by activists for his record dealing with civil rights issues as a U. S. attorney in Alabama.

Like other U. S. cities, Memphis has seen protests related to racial profiling and the use of deadly force against unarmed black men. In July, protesters blocked the heavily-traveled Interstate 40 bridge in Memphis connecting Tennessee and Arkansas, sparking meetings between members of the black community and city leaders.

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