Chattanooga Times Free Press

U.S. ambassador: ‘No love’ for Russia


WASHINGTON — The U.S. ambassador to the United Nations says there’s no question Russia was involved in the U.S. presidenti­al election and insists President Donald Trump would fully support strong action against the Kremlin once investigat­ions are complete.

Speaking in television interviews broadcast Sunday, Nikki Haley contended there is no contradict­ion between her tough stance and Trump’s repeated public statements seeking to minimize Russia’s role. She said Trump “has not once” told her to stop “beating up” on Russia.

“We don’t want any country involved in our elections, ever,” Haley said. “We need to be very strong on that.”

She joins Defense Secretary James Mattis as Trump administra­tion officials who have forcefully called out Russia for its actions during the 2016 U.S. campaign.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has denied his country meddled in the 2016 contest between Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“There’s no love or anything going on with Russia right now,” Haley said. “They get that we’re getting our strength back, that we’re getting our voice back and that we’re starting to lead again, and, honestly, at the United Nations, that’s the No. 1 comment I get is that they’re just so happy to see the United States lead again.”

U.S. intelligen­ce agencies report that Russia tried to help Trump’s campaign effort. The FBI as well as congressio­nal committees are investigat­ing whether the Russian government coordinate­d with Trump associates during the campaign. The White House also is trying to quell a firestorm over its behind-the-scenes role in helping the Republican chairman of the House intelligen­ce committee, Rep. Devin Nunes, view secret intelligen­ce reports that he says pointed to inappropri­ate leaking.

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Nikki Haley

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