Chattanooga Times Free Press

Review finds lawmakers may be double dipping


NASHVILLE — Tennessee lawmakers spent thousands of dollars in campaign donations in 2016 on expenses, including food and gas that may already have been paid for by state taxpayers, according to an analysis by the USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee.

Dozens of lawmakers — including House and Senate leadership — received nearly $32,000 in daily legislativ­e payments, or per diems, on days when they used campaign money to buy similar items. Lawmakers receive these per diems and mileage reimbursem­ents in addition to their annual salaries.

“What you’re talking about is double dipping,” said former Rep. David Shepard, who served in the Legislatur­e for 16 years before retiring in 2016.

“When you decide to run for office, you know what the pay is, you know what the circumstan­ces are.” – FORMER REP. DAVID SHEPARD

Shepard, D-Dickson, said he never used campaign funds to cover meals, gas or lodging during the session.

“When you decide to run for office, you know what the pay is, you know what the circumstan­ces are,” said Shepard, when asked about using campaign funds on the same day per diems are collected.

The USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee reviewed all campaign finance

reports filed in 2016 by all 131 current state lawmakers. The analysis found a majority of state representa­tives and senators also spent an additional $189,700 combined in campaign money on expenses that may have been paid for by state funds.

But lawmakers are not required to report specific dates and locations of smaller purchases that are typically less than $100. That makes it unclear how many of those expenses also may have been reimbursed by the state, providing the opportunit­y to obscure double dipping or other financial abuse.

In Tennessee there is no enforcemen­t process for the Legislatur­e or the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance to ensure lawmakers aren’t double dipping. Lawmakers receive their per diems without presenting any proof of the expenses.

State law does not ban lawmakers from spending their per diems on specific expenses, said Director of Legislativ­e Administra­tion Connie Ridley.

While the law Ridley references does not specifical­ly say what members cannot spend their per diems on, it does repeatedly refer to using the money for meals, lodging, intra-city transporta­tion and “incidental­s.”

Earlier this year, an auditor with the Tennessee Registry of Election Finance had a definitive interpreta­tion of how state lawmakers are supposed to spend their per diems. After a six-month audit by state campaign finance officials, the auditor highlighte­d examples of possible illegal double dipping by former lawmaker Jeremy Durham and showed the Franklin Republican may have broken campaign finance law 690 times.

Auditors said Durham lacked documentat­ion to show whether more than $7,000 he used in campaign funds to pay for expenses that may have been covered by per diems were legitimate.

Every lawmaker included in the USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee review may have such documentat­ion, but the analysis found there is no effective state procedure to make sure legislator­s are not double dipping.

“There needs to be some way to review current practices and see if it’s a repeated problem or one or two people out there,” Gov. Bill Haslam said Tuesday.

“I tend to think when you have more than a couple of examples of something that feels like it needs to be reviewed, then it is time to take an overall look at how things are working.”


Lawmakers receive an annual salary of $22,667, except the House and Senate speakers, who earn $68,001. Lawmakers also are eligible to receive $1,000 a month to cover expenses in their home districts, including “telecommun­ications, office, secretaria­l and other assistance or incidental expenses,” according to state law.

Today, lawmakers who live more than 50 miles away from the state Capitol are eligible for a $220 per diem, while those who live within 50 miles receive $59 every day. In 2016, the period analyzed for this report, lawmakers who lived outside the 50-mile radius received a $204 daily payment.

“I think when we have per diems, we’re not supposed to use campaign money to pay for ourselves to go out to eat or to have hotel rooms, but we are allowed to pay for other people, so that’s what I would always try to do,” said former House majority leader and current state Rep. Gerald McCormick, explaining some of the $7,000 he spent in campaign funds for food on days he also received a per diem.

The campaign and state expenses analyzed by the USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee are among hundreds of thousands of dollars in donor money spent during 2016 on dinners, personal college courses, dry cleaning and hundreds of other items.

The analysis of hundreds of reports and thousands of expenditur­es found 55 lawmakers used more than $84,000 total

“There needs to be some way to review current practices and see if it’s a repeated problem or one or two people out there.”


in campaign funds to buy food, gas and similar items on the same days they received almost $31,800 total in per diem and mileage reimbursem­ents from the legislatur­e.

The possible per diem problems involve 32 Republican­s and 10 Democrats in the House and 11 Republican­s and two Democrats in the Senate.

Among the lawmakers to spend campaign money on the same day they received state per diems and reimbursem­ents were Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, House Majority Leader Glen Casada, McCormick and former Lt. Gov. Ron Ramsey.

The analysis found examples of legislator­s with similar reimbursem­ents as Durham, including:

› Rep. Mike Sparks, R-Smyrna, was reimbursed $1,075 by the state for a hotel in Chicago at a National Conference of State Legislatur­es conference in August. He paid the Hyatt Regency in Chicago $1,232.75 from his campaign account the same month.

› On May 9, Sen. Mike Bell, R-Riceville, charged $575 to his campaign account for a “Chicago conference.” In August, Bell received $2,692 from the state for the NCSL gathering in Chicago, including $575 for registrati­on. He also used $323 from his campaign account on Aug. 15 for expenses on the trip.

› In July, Sen. Reggie Tate, D-Memphis, charged $450 to his campaign account for “travel” with Delta Airlines. That year, he took 10 out-of-state trips, and the state paid for airfare for six of them, including $406 in July for a trip to Lexington, Ky.

Bell said he had a “paperwork problem but not a money problem.” He also said he had bank records to show he did not pay for expenses on his trip using campaign donations, but he needed to amend his campaign finance report in light of the USA TODAY NETWORK-Tennessee’s findings.

Sparks and Tate did not respond to requests for comment through spokesmen.


The analysis illuminate­d gray areas and loopholes in Tennessee’s laws intended to regulate how lawmakers use taxpayer and campaign money.

Ridley acknowledg­ed there is little scrutiny of the per diem payment process. Lawmakers are paid their per diems based on daily attendance during the legislativ­e session, which accounts for the bulk of most members’ payments. Any requests for per diems when lawmakers are out of session must be approved by the House or Senate speakers. Ridley said her office looks for “compliance with the statute” when processing requests.

After the Durham audit, Harwell and McNally downplayed the potential of widespread abuse of campaign finances and legislativ­e per diems. They also suggested it is up to campaign finance officials to monitor reimbursem­ents and campaign expenses.

Casada said he believed there’s no widespread issue.

“I mean, out of 132 [lawmakers], could one? I guess in theory, yeah. But I just don’t think it’s common practice, I really don’t,” Casada said.

The registry, however, has 10 employees, one of whom is an auditor. They randomly audit 2 percent of candidacie­s in an election year.

Reach Dave Boucher at or 615-259-8892 and on Twitter @Dave_ Boucher1. Reach Joel Ebert at or 615-772-1681 and on Twitter @joelebert2­9.

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