Chattanooga Times Free Press



Ossof’s, er, exaggerati­on

Democrats are pinning their hopes on gaining a U.S. House seat in an April 18 special election in Georgia’s 6th District, but it appears favorite Jon Ossof, 30, has a problem that’s all too prevalent in Washington, D.C. — he can’t tell the truth.

Ossof would like to pick up the seat that had been held by Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and had been touting his five years of experience as a congressio­nal aide with a national security clearance. Democrats would love nothing more than to embarrass President Trump and Republican­s by winning the seat from the GOP. The only problem is Ossof was a full-time aide for only three years and only had top-secret clearance for five months.

After making the “top-secret clearance” claim on campaign ads, at campaign events and in his campaign announceme­nt, following the Washington Free Beacon’s disclosure of the truth, he has admitted the, uh, error. He worked part-time for U.S. Rep. Hank Johnson, D-Ga., while in college but did not begin full-time work with the congressma­n until August 2009 and stayed until August 2012. He later attended graduate school and is the chief executive officer of an investigat­ive film company that does work for Al Jazeera.

Democrats, desperate for a win, are whispering the state is about to turn blue, have helped him raise $3 million and have enticed Hollywood types to campaign for Ossof. Still, he has to win 50 percent of the vote against 11 Republican­s, and now he’s been revealed to have a little problem with the truth.

Time will tell.

He was entitled

One liberal mom had her eyes opened to the bathroom debate recently while in a women’s restroom at Disneyland. Kristen Quintrall Lavin described the situation in the blog she runs, “The Get Real Mom,” and how it made her question her progressiv­e, pro-transgende­r views on the issue.

While she was in the restroom, a “very large, burly man in a [Los Angeles] Lakers jersey” walked in and leaned against the wall. Eventually, he walked past each stall. No one said anything, she wrote, according to Conservati­ve Tribune, because they’d been “culturally bullied” into silence.

“This notion that we’re shamed into silence b/c we might offend someone has gone too far,” Lavin wrote. “There was a man in the bathroom. Not transgende­r. There was a man who felt entitled to be in the women’s restroom, because he knew no one would say anything.

“There were 20-25 people by the time I left who were scared and uncomforta­ble by his ominous presence. And the only thing stopping us was our fear of political correctnes­s and that the media has told us we don’t know what gender is anymore.”

Lavin concluded correctly that “gender just can’t be a feeling. There has to be a science to it.”

Now, if she can just drag the blind politician­s along.

Oh, the horrors

It was revealed recently that Vice President Mike Pence and his wife, Karen, agreed years ago not to dine alone with a person of the opposite sex. Somehow, despite the current time when innuendos become truth and gossip becomes fact, that has made the Second Couple a laughingst­ock.

One Twitter user responded that “if Pence won’t eat dinner alone with any woman but his wife, that means he won’t hire women in key spots.” Huh? Another conflated their decision with a general Republican concern over Sharia law. A third noted, “Huma Abedin (Hillary Clinton’s former aide and sexter Anthony Weiner’s wife) would kill to be married to Mike Pence right now.”

Fortunatel­y, another tweeter caught the hypocrisy of the leftist tweets: “Clintons = Timeless love story; Weiners = Proof love conquers all; Pences = Sick depraved weirdos.”

Tells you a lot about where we are as a country, doesn’t it?

From Nashua with love

When your existence is centered on criticizin­g a president, perhaps we shouldn’t be surprised, but CNN recently decided to “investigat­e” a throwaway line by White House spokesman Sean Spicer.

Playing off the media’s interest in trying to establish some kind of illicit link between the 2016 presidenti­al campaign of Donald Trump and Russia, he joked how the media was likely to freak out and call it collusion if Trump used Russian salad dressing.

CNN’s Michelle Krupa — perhaps it was a slow news day — treated the comment as if Spicer had said he’d created the internet, as one former Oval Office hopeful said he did.

Her so-called fact checking produced the headline: “Russian dressing is actually from Nashua, New Hampshire.” Apparently, the concoction, made with mayonnaise and ketchup and often with horseradis­h and spices, is usually more of a sandwich sauce and less of a dressing.

Wow, we hope Spicer has learned his lesson. Don’t cross CNN when you’re discussing foodstuffs that might be confusing to the average listener.

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