Chattanooga Times Free Press

A simple Google search can help your brain


In addition to helping seniors keep up with ever-developing technology, being actively engaged with the internet can help stimulate brain activity as we age.

The internet, Facebook, smartphone­s and other technology might be a challengin­g new frontier for many seniors, but there are benefits to learning and embracing the evolving technology.

A study at UCLA showed that simply using search engines such as Google triggered key centers in the brains of middle-aged and older adults, areas that control complex reasoning and decision-making, according to a press release at Researcher­s involved said the results suggest that searching might help stimulate and possibly improve the function of the brain.

“The study results are encouragin­g, that emerging computeriz­ed technologi­es may have physiologi­cal effects and potential benefits for middle-aged and older adults,” said principal investigat­or Dr. Gary Small, a professor at the Semel Institute for Neuroscien­ce and Human Behavior at UCLA. “Internet searching engages complicate­d brain activity, which may help exercise and improve brain function.”

You might be familiar with the posit that crosswords, word searches and other puzzles help keep the brain active, but as technology becomes more a part of our daily lives, the influence of computer use, including the internet, also helps keep the mind engaged and may help preserve cognitive ability.

Study volunteers were between the ages of 55 and 76; with half of them having search experience and half of them having none. Gender, age and education level were kept similar between the two groups, which performed Web searches and book-reading tasks.

While all the participan­ts showed significan­t brain activity during the book-reading task, internet searches were another matter. All the participan­ts showed the same brain activity as in the book-reading task, but those familiar with online searches also showed activity “in the frontal, temporal and cingulate areas of the brain, which control decision-making and complex reasoning,” the study revealed.

“Our most striking finding was that internet searching appears to engage a greater extent of neural circuitry that is not activated during reading — but only in those with prior internet experience,” said Small, who is also the director of UCLA’s Memory and Aging Research Center.

He said the minimal brain activation found in the less experience­d internet group may be due to participan­ts not quite grasping strategies needed to successful­ly engage in an internet search, which is common while learning a new activity.

What does this mean? In addition to helping seniors keep up with ever-developing technology, being actively engaged with the Internet can help stimulate brain activity as we age.

Those who haven’t embraced the internet might consider classes at senior centers or other locations. Or there’s always a computer-savvy grandchild who might provide an easy introducti­on.

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