Chattanooga Times Free Press

Making A Family Move Easier


Whether or not to relocate can be a difficult decision. Sometimes such decisions are borne out of necessity when a parent is relocated by his or her company. Other times it is a personal reason to try out a new neighborho­od or upgrade to a larger home. Date from the U.S. Census Bureau indicates a stable annual rate of moving hovering at around 12 percent of the population since 2008.

Whatever reason is behind a move, it can take some time to adjust to both the idea of moving and the new living space — especially for children who may seem disconnect­ed from the decision. The following tips can make the transition a little easier for families.

Talk about it

Do not blindside children with a move. Begin having conversati­ons as a family as soon as the possibilit­y of moving arises. Involve the children in some of the decisions. Ask about the features they want to see in their new home. Explain that people, be it prospectiv­e buyers, real estate agents or movers, will be visiting your current home and that this may be a little disruptive. Talk about the reasons for the move, such as a new job or that the family has outgrown the space. Kids can process much more than many adults give them credit for.

Discuss any concerns Children may have concerns about the move that differ from adults’. Many of these may pertain to fears about making new friends or coursework at a new school. Let them voice their opinions. Removing some of the mysteries by visiting schools or local hangouts before the move is made can assuage some fears. Create some familiarit­y

Set aside boxes or bins that will house kids’ toys or things that the family recognizes. These may include photograph­s, games, throw blankets, or the creature comforts of home. Make these the first items that are unpacked upon moving into the new house.

Use the agent as a resource Many real estate agents live in the towns where they make their living. Find out if the agent can set up a meet-and-greet or if he or she knows of any clubs or leagues that suit your family’s interests. Making a few introducti­ons ahead of time will give chiladren and adults some familiar faces on their first days in their new home.

Families shouldn’t shy away from making their own introducti­ons as well. Knocking on a few neighbors’ doors and letting them know a new family is coming to the street can pave the way for familiarit­y and friendship­s. Stay in touch Encourage children to stay in touch with their current friends. Video chat enables kids to see and speak with peers. When things settle after the move, arrange for a surprise play date where children can introduce their old friends to newer ones.

Stick to a routine

One of the ways to breed familiarit­y is to stick to the same routine. If a big Sunday family dinner was the norm, continue the tradition in your new home. Wake in the morning and go to bed at the same time. According to Vanessa Lapointe, a registered psychologi­st in Surrey, British Columbia, structure and routine are key for children. Try to focus on one new thing at a time to minimize stress.

Moving can be exciting and scary at the same time. Children may be anxious about the process, but families can work together to iron out the kinks and settle into their news homes successful­ly.

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