Chattanooga Times Free Press

Not just a new president, new faces for France’s parliament


PARIS — A female fighter pilot, a farmer, a teacher, people out of work. They all applied for the job — and got it, among more than 19,000 people hoping to become candidates in June elections for the French parliament under the banner of President-elect Emmanuel Macron.

Renewing a political landscape long bogged down with out-of-touch parties and long-serving politician­s was a central campaign promise and the eclectic mix of candidates speaks to Macron’s desire to pull the plug on a system he deems broken.

On Thursday, his Republic on the Move party announced an initial slate of 428 candidates for France’s 577-seat National Assembly. It was a potpourri of citizens, more than half of whom, like Macron, have never held elected office. Their shared goal: to deliver Macron the parliament­ary majority he needs to govern effectivel­y and pull France out of its economic doldrums and social funk.

The average age of the candidates who made the cut is 46 — compared to

60 for the outgoing assembly. Half are women and half are men. Only 5 percent — 24 — were lawmakers in the outgoing parliament, all Socialists.

“Our candidates signal the permanent return of the citizen to the heart of our political life,” party secretary-general Richard Ferrand said in announcing the partial slate.

The candidates offer a taste of how Macron’s grassroots, startup-style movement sought to recruit outside the circle of career politician­s.

Among them is Jean-Michel Fauvergue, the commander of the elite RAID police unit that took down the Islamic State cell that carried out the Nov. 13, 2015, Paris attacks, including its ring leader Abdelhamid Abaaoud, who was killed in the operation.

Another is Claire Tassadit Houd, whose sister, Djamila, was among the 130 people killed in the attacks.

Would-be candidates were asked to sign up on the party’s website and submit a resume and letter

explaining their motivation. More than 19,000 applied and resumes are still coming in.

“I signed up right from the beginning,” said Jean-Baptiste Moreau, a 40-year-old farmer who is contesting a seat in the Creuse region of central France where he lives.

Moreau said he was drawn by the profile of the 39-year-old Macron, who will be France’s youngest president when he takes office Sunday, and by the party’s efforts to make grassroots ideas part of its campaign platform.

“If I’m elected, I don’t want to become a political profession­al. I’ll serve one or two terms,” he said.

Mireille Robert, who heads a primary school in a village of 1,000 people in the Aude region of southweste­rn France, will be up against a local Socialist Party heavyweigh­t.

In a telephone interview, the 55-year-old Robert said one of her main motives for getting into politics under Macron’s banner is fighting the rise of political extremism in France.

Macron, a centrist upstart, won Sunday’s presidenti­al election by a landslide, defeating farright candidate Marine Le Pen, who had hoped to ride the wave of rising nationalis­m in Europe. Despite her defeat, Le Pen achieved the highest-e ver score for her National Front party, which has a history of antiSemiti­sm and racism. Far-left leader Jean-Luc Melenchon got nearly 20 percent of the vote in the first-round vote.

In the village of Pieusse where Robert lives, Le Pen received 271 votes in Sunday’s runoff, five more than Macron’s 266.

“That’s really scary,” Robert said. “I feel like we are in danger.”

New to politics, she said she plans small gatherings to discuss local issues, rather than hold large rallies with prepared speeches. Her family is well-known in the area for its sparkling wine, which she believes will help her win support.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? French President-elect Emmanuel Macron poses with supporters after a ceremony commemorat­ing the abolition of slavery, in Paris, Wednesday.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS French President-elect Emmanuel Macron poses with supporters after a ceremony commemorat­ing the abolition of slavery, in Paris, Wednesday.

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