Chattanooga Times Free Press

Surprising Indian Remedy Uproots Aches and Pains

Patients see remarkable transforma­tions in just weeks


Somethinga­t one exclusive amazing clinicis happeningi­n Royal Palm Patients Beach, walk with chronic pain, overwhelmi­ngminds and worse. fatigue,But it’s confusedno­t long before pain-free, they walk more out energized,feeling younger,with sharp bullet-proof mental immuneclar­ity and system.a seemingly

health While as others “part acceptof aging,” decliningt­he patients here are taking back control of their bodies, and they’re gaining the health and vitality of someone decades younger.

The shocking part is they’re not getting expensive, dangerous treatments or experiment­al drugs.

The key to their remarkable transforma­tion is a breakthrou­gh discovery by Al Sears, MD, which combines a sacred, ancient cure with a revolution­ary new delivery system that makes it 2,000 times more potent.

Dr. Sears has been using this little-known technique with his patients for years, and says they’ve seen results even beyond his expectatio­ns.

One of his patients, Pau S., age 72, used this simple remedy for 3 weeks and was amazed at the effects. Pau says, “My health, memory and well-being are better than they were years ago. In particular, my memory and mental alertness is sharp.”

Then there’s Edi S. who was struggling with chronic pain for years, until he tried Dr.

Sears’ solution this year. Edi says, “I noticed within three weeks my discomfort levels had dropped by at least 80%. I am now half way through my second bottle. My mind seems less forgetful and I now experience a true feeling of good health!” And 84-year-old Kent S. says, “It definitely has helped me feel better overall. I have noticed more energy, less forgetfuln­ess, and more joint comfort and mobility. Most people think I’m 20 years younger than I really am!”

The secret to these remarkable transforma­tions originated in India more than 4,000 years ago…

Nature’s Most Remarkable Root

Dr. Sears travels to the far corners of the world every year in search of natural cures and ancient medical knowledge, but turmeric may be one of the most powerful he’s ever encountere­d.

That’s why turmeric is the foundation for the unique formula that is changing the lives of his patients.

Turmeric has over 619 proven health benefits and has a prolific track-record in natural medicine, but if you take turmeric or are thinking of trying it for the first time, there’s something shocking you should know.

In spite of all of turmeric’s health benefits, scientists have discovered it has one drawback — it’s very difficult for our bodies to absorb.

Our bodies need high doses of turmeric’s active ingredient — curcumin — in order to reap the health benefits, but the sad truth is most turmeric users get less than 5% of its true healing potential.

And the results Dr. Sears’ patients are seeing are only possible if the turmeric is actually absorbable and if it crosses the blood-brain barrier, which is where most turmeric supplement­s fall short.

“You don’t enjoy results like these unless you have a proven delivery system for turmeric,” Dr. Sears says. “That’s why I refused to make a curcumin formula without including one, like so many supplement makers have.”

A special “delivery system” that transforms turmeric from a kitchen spice into the world’s most powerful healer.

As soon as he discovered how other supplement­s were falling short, Dr. Sears tasked his research team with forming the world’s best, most absorbable kind of turmeric.

What they found was a new delivery system being researched at St. John’s University that would revolution­ize turmeric forever.

Researcher­s compared blood levels of curcumin alone vs. combining it with a special activator called bioperine, and within 45 minutes of use, patients saw a stunning 2,000% increase in curcumin levels.

Not only that, it lasted longer in their bloodstrea­m. And now studies around the world are demonstrat­ing the incredible health-boosting power of this unique combinatio­n.

One series of global studies are finding that curcumin and piperine together work better than curcumin alone to shield your mind and body from oxidative stress and neurotoxic­ity, and helps support healthy DNA.

In one study, researcher­s treated three groups: 1) curcumin alone 2) a standard blood sugar solution or 3) curcumin and piperine.

The curcumin/piperine group saw, better support for healthy LDL cholestero­l and triglyceri­des, better support for healthy weight levels, and support for healthy blood glucose levels.

In another double-blind study, people suffering joint discomfort saw a significan­t improvemen­t in their joint health and mobility.

on Whilethe brain, researchin­g researcher­s curcumin’sfound that effect the curcumin/piperinebo­osted dopamine and combo serotonin significan­tlylevels in subjects,and positive which moods.are essential to happiness

And patients taking curcumin during an exercise regimen saw irritation reduced 25% compared to those taking a placebo.

This revolution­ary combinatio­n is 2,000% more absorbable than turmeric alone, putting it leagues ahead of other turmeric supplement­s. But Dr. Sears didn’t stop there.

Before releasing his specially activated formula, he took it a step further by adding two additional spices from the curcumin “family” that work together with turmeric to improve the healing benefits even more.

They’re both staples of ancient Ayurvedic medicine that go back over 4,000 years, just like curcumin.

Gingerol and galangal both have similar proven benefits as curcumin, and act on age-related irritabili­ty in a similar way. So when all three are added together, they not only complement, but magnify curcumin’s results.

Dr. Sears is now releasing his ultimate curcumin formula, Curcumin Triple Burn, to the world.

He says, “In all my years on the cutting edge of natural health, I’ve never seen a curcumin formula like it. None that include a therapeuti­c dose of curcuminoi­ds, delivery technology proven to enhance its absorption by 2,000%, or spices that complement and amplify curcumin’s healing potential.”

Where to find Curcumin Triple Burn

Right now, the only way to get the full benefits of turmeric is with Dr. Sears’ breakthrou­gh Curcumin Triple Burn formula.

If you want to start seeing life-changing results like Pau, Edi and Kent did, you should contact the Sears Health Hotline at 1-877-353-0598. “It takes time to get bottles shipped out to drug stores,” said Dr. Sears. “The Hotline allows us to ship them directly to the customer.”

Dr. Sears feels so strongly about sharing this breakthrou­gh formula, he offers a 100%, money-back guarantee on every order so you can try it completely riskfree. “Just send me back the bottle and any unused product within 90 days, and I’ll send you your money back,” said Dr. Sears.

Call 1-877-353-0598 to get your supply of Curcumin Triple Burn and enjoy the results yourself. You don’t need a prescripti­on, and those who call in the first 24 hours qualify for a significan­t discount. To take advantage of this great offer use Promo Code NPCTB75H2 when you call in.

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