Chattanooga Times Free Press

Russian photograph­er allowed in Oval Office meeting


NEW YORK — The White House is facing criticism for a possible security breach after it allowed a Russian news service photograph­er into the Oval Office to snap photos of President Donald Trump and a pair of top Russian officials.

While the administra­tion downplayed the threat, a senior administra­tion official acknowledg­ed the White House had been misled about the role of the Russian photograph­er, who was actually employed by a staterun news agency. The official requested anonymity to discuss matters of security.

The photograph­er who stood feet from Trump as he talked with Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and the Russian ambassador to the United States, Sergey Kislyak, had told the White House he was Lavrov’s official photograph­er, the official said.

But he did not say that he also works for Tass, a Russian state-run news agency. And White House officials were surprised when photos depicting an apparently jovial moment between Trump and the two Russian officials appeared online a short time after Wednesday’s meeting, according to the official. There had been no plans to immediatel­y broadcast images from the meeting.

The chummy photos left some observers agog, particular­ly coming a day after the president fired FBI Director James Comey, who had been running the investigat­ion into whether the Trump campaign coordinate­d with Russian officials.

The American media, however, never caught a glimpse of either Russian inside the White House. When the press pool was allowed into the Oval Office at the meeting’s conclusion, Lavrov and Kislyak were gone and, in a surprise, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger was with Trump instead.

The White House posted photos online of the meeting a full day later, but they did not include any images of Lavrov. The ambassador also was not mentioned in the official White House readout of the meeting.

The White House defended the decision not to allow any independen­t press into the meeting. “We had an official photograph­er in the room, as did they,” spokeswoma­n Sarah Huckabee Sanders said Thursday.

Sanders added that it was “proper protocol” to close a meeting to the press when Trump is meeting with a foreign official who is not a head of state.

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