Chattanooga Times Free Press



Dear Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein:

It’s rare that any single person has to bear as much responsibi­lity for safeguardi­ng U.S. democracy as you find yourself carrying now. Even before President Donald Trump’s shocking decision Tuesday to fire the FBI director, James Comey, a dark cloud of suspicion surrounded this president. At this fraught moment you find yourself, improbably, to be the person with the most authority to dispel that cloud and restore Americans’ confidence in their government. We sympathize; that’s a lot of pressure.

Given the sterling reputation you brought into this post — including a 27-year career in the Justice Department under five administra­tions, and the distinctio­n of being the longest-serving U.S. attorney in history — you no doubt feel a particular anguish, and obligation to act. As the author of the memo that the president cited in firing Comey, you are now deeply implicated in that decision.

It was a solid brief; Comey’s misjudgmen­ts in his handling of the FBI investigat­ion of Hillary Clinton’s private email server were indeed serious. Yet you must know that these fair criticisms were mere pretext for Trump, who dumped Comey just as he was seeking more resources to investigat­e ties between the Trump campaign and the Russian government.

You must also know that in ordering you to write the memo, Trump exploited the integrity you have earned over nearly three decades in public service, spending down your credibilit­y as selfishly as he has spent other people’s money throughout his business career. We can only hope that your lack of an explicit recommenda­tion to fire Comey reflects your own refusal to go as far as the president wanted you to.

In any case, the memo is yours, and that has compromise­d your ability to oversee any investigat­ions into Russian meddling. But after Attorney General Jeff Sessions recused himself from these matters, because of his own contacts during the campaign with the Russians, the power to launch a truly credible investigat­ion has fallen to you, and you alone.

You have one choice: Appoint a special counsel who is independen­t of both the department and the White House. No one else would have the standing to assure the public it is getting the truth. Americans can have little faith that the Justice Department, or an FBI run by Trump’s handpicked replacemen­t, will get to the bottom of whether and how Russia helped steal the presidency for Trump.

In theory, no one should have a greater interest in a credible investigat­ion than the president, who has repeatedly insisted the suspicions about his campaign are baseless. Yet rather than try to douse suspicions, he has shown he is more than willing to inflame them by impeding efforts to get to the truth.

Given your own reputation for probity, you must be troubled as well by the broader pattern of this president’s behavior. He has mixed his business interests with his public responsibi­lities. He has boasted that conflict-of-interest laws do not apply to him as president. And from the moment he took office, Trump has shown a despot’s willingnes­s to invent his own version of the truth and to weaponize the federal government to confirm that version, to serve his ego and to pursue vendettas large and small.

Firing Comey — who, in addition to leading the Russia investigat­ion, infuriated Trump by refusing to give any credence to his wiretappin­g accusation — is only the latest and most stunning example. The White House can’t even get its own story straight about why Trump took this extraordin­ary step.

Few public servants have found themselves with a choice as weighty as yours, between following their conscience and obeying a leader trying to evade scrutiny — Elliot Richardson and William Ruckelshau­s, who behaved nobly in Watergate, come to mind. You can add your name to this short, heroic list. Yes, it might cost you your job. But it would save your honor, and so much more besides.

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