Chattanooga Times Free Press



If you’re planning a trip to Europe this summer, be forewarned: You may spend a lot of time explaining Donald Trump to the natives.

In our case, it started immediatel­y, with the British immigratio­n officer at London’s Heathrow Airport.

“Are you from the Southern states?” he asked. What he meant was: Are you Trump voters?

“What has gotten into you people?” he demanded. “You used to be a model other countries wanted to follow. Now we watch you and shake our heads.”

That was one of dozens of unsought conversati­ons in three countries about the state of American politics. Europeans’ familiarit­y with the details of our national melodrama was sometimes startling.

“If Trump is impeached, then Pence becomes president, right?” asked Liliane, a German lawyer. “Would he be worse?”

Brits, Italians and Germans all asked whether Trump’s presidency would be over by the end of the year. I described the complexiti­es of impeachmen­t, and how unlikely it was that a Republican-controlled Congress would go there. I reminded them of Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi, who won three elections and governed for nine years despite prosecutor­s’ efforts to bring him down.

Our European friends’ absorption in all things Trump goes beyond mere gossip, of course. They have gnawing concerns about an increasing­ly disorderly world — one in which the president of the United States, instead of bolstering stability, often seems to be a disruptor.

It wasn’t a scientific sample by any stretch. But our conversati­ons mirrored a recent Pew global survey which found that Trump is unpopular across much of the world and that his unpredicta­bility has shaken confidence in the United States.

For half a century, Europeans got used to thinking of the United States as a stable cornerston­e of world politics — not always sophistica­ted in their eyes, not always right, but reliably there. Now that we’re less reliable, they’re more nervous. “If the United States is making the world less stable instead of more stable, we’re all in deep …,” Lala’s husband, Carlo, said in fluent American.

They know all too well that Europe — politicall­y divided, militarily weak and economical­ly listless — can’t fill the empty role of the missing superpower.

“Europe could be strong if countries knew how to work together, but they don’t,” said Peter, a German yoga instructor. “Nationalis­m gets in the way.”

Trump may have had one positive effect on continenta­l politics, as Europe’s wave of nationalis­t populism appears to have ebbed. Trump-style anti-immigrant populists lost ground in three major elections this year: the Netherland­s in March, France in May and Britain in June. In France, Trump virtually endorsed populist candidate Marine LePen; she was trounced by the Obama-style Emmanuel Macron.

“We have learned from your example,” Liliane joked.

There may be a silver lining for Americans, too. Europeans who once resented our superpower status now express sympathy for our troubles — even nostalgia for American leadership.

Many Europeans condemned George W. Bush for invading Iraq. Then they pouted when Barack Obama, whom they liked better, made it clear he was more interested in Asia. Now they see a president who thinks alliances are a scam and doesn’t put much stock in the U.S. treaty commitment to defend Europe.

Europeans have plenty of reasons to worry about their future. Islamist terrorism has accelerate­d with attacks in England, France and Belgium. The European Union is in danger of falling apart. Russia is meddling in their elections and corrupting some of their government­s. They still haven’t solved their massive unemployme­nt problem.

In earlier times of trouble, American presidents stepped in with reassuranc­es that the United States wanted a Europe that was prosperous, strong and united. Trump says, instead, that he sees Europe as a competitor, not an ally, and that he prefers his competitor­s to be weak, poor and disunited.

Most Americans don’t pay nearly as much attention to European politics as my Italian, British and German friends pay to ours. There are too many countries, too many elections. And the details of European economic integratio­n are mind-numbing.

But perhaps we should listen more closely to our European friends.

They’ve noticed that, under Trump, an important alliance — one that has kept their continent peaceful for 70 years — is in danger of slipping away through neglect. They see what they’re losing, and they’re worried. Shouldn’t we be, too?

 ??  ?? Doyle McManus
Doyle McManus

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