Chattanooga Times Free Press



It costs as little as $10 and as much as $10,169 to get the same blood test in California. A lower-back MRI priced at $199 at one Florida clinic goes for $6,221 in San Francisco. A shoulder X-ray can run anywhere between $21 and more than $700 across the United States. In Spain, a 30-day supply of Truvada, which helps prevent HIV-AIDS, costs an average of $559, according to data compiled by the Internatio­nal Federation of Health Plans. In the United States it’s $1,301. In Britain, the average price of an angioplast­y is $7,264 versus $31,620 in the United States. Hip replacemen­t in New Zealand is $15,465. The U.S. figure is $29,067.

Many things about health care delivery in the United States are insane. Economist Kenneth Arrow crisply described the biggest insanity back in December 1963. “Insurance,” he wrote, “removes the incentive on the part of individual­s, patients, and physicians to shop around for better prices for hospitaliz­ation and surgical care.” When did you last go bargain-hunting for a urinalysis?

This is the third-party-payer problem, and if Republican­s had been more modest and less inept in advancing a realistic health care agenda, they might have spent the past seven years understand­ing, explaining and changing it. Instead, it was “repeal and replace” all the way to the political Verdun in which they now find themselves.

What is it that Americans don’t like about their health care? Chiefly, skyrocketi­ng insurance premiums, higher deductible­s and decreasing access to services. Obamacare has made all this worse.

Average premiums for the benchmark Obamacare plan rose 8 percent in 2016 and 21 percent in 2017, according to Kaiser Family Foundation data, while deductible­s were up by about 15 percent.

Same deal for employer-sponsored plans. “While Sen. Obama promised during his campaign in 2008 that the average family would see health insurance premiums drop by $2,500 per year, the average family premium for employer-sponsored coverage has risen by $3,671,” noted Maureen Buff and Timothy Terrell in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. That was back in 2014, and premiums continue to rise.

Meanwhile, insurers keep walking away from Obamacare’s unprofitab­le exchanges. Anthem and MDWise announced last month that they were withdrawin­g from Indiana, which will leave 76,000 Hoosiers in need of a new insurer. Anthem said it would be pulling out of the exchange in Ohio. Aetna warned it was pulling out of Virginia in May and Iowa in April. Humana did as much in Tennessee in February.

This was predictabl­e. “Obamacare was sold using the language of choice and competitio­n, but it is actually reducing both,” a Wall Street Journal editorial warned back in 2010, when the law was months old. Health insurance doesn’t work when it isn’t allowed to operate as insurance: when it cannot tailor its products to the preference­s and budgets of consumers, and when it cannot make business decisions based on considerat­ions of risk.

You do not get to insure your house after it’s on fire. Why should Americans have the unalienabl­e right to wait till they get sick (at least during open enrollment) before buying health insurance?

Here, however, is where the philippic against the Affordable Care Act ends. Barack Obama inherited a broken health care model and made it worse, unless you count shunting millions of people into Medicaid as a triumph.

The only genuinely promising reform in the Republican health bills are proposals to nearly double contributi­on limits for heath savings accounts and allow them to be used to pay for premiums. Enrollment in tax-deductible, investable HSAs has roughly doubled since Obamacare took effect, to about 20 million, because they help cover out-ofpocket costs for low-premium, high-deductible plans.

But as Peter Ubel of Duke pointed out last year, they’re mainly attractive to wealthier people with income to spare. Government subsidies of HSAs for low-income people, Ubel writes, could turn HSAs into something other than “another tax break for the wealthy” and “make our health care system more responsive to consumer needs.”

HSAs can restore sanity to a market in which prices are invisible and costs keep rising, and in which the concept of “insurance” has lost its meaning. Republican­s who want to salvage a conservati­ve policy victory from their health care fracas would be wise to leave Obamacare alone, so that its authors can pay the price for its failure, just as the GOP restores price to the rest of the health care system.

 ??  ?? Bret Stephens
Bret Stephens

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