Chattanooga Times Free Press

U.S. Virgin Islands getting aid, but still reeling from Irma


ST. THOMAS, U.S. Virgin Islands — The last of the late-summer tourists were gone Wednesday from the U.S. Virgin Islands, ferried away from the wreckage of Hurricane Irma in cruise ships bound for Puerto Rico and Miami. Most part-time residents — and anyone else who didn’t have to stay — had cleared out as well, back to homes on the mainland with water, power and internet, and where food isn’t scarce.

Those left behind on St. Thomas and St. John were surviving on whatever they could find as they tried to repair or secure their houses with whatever materials were available. They had to dodge downed power lines that snaked through hills that were a deep green before the storm but had been so stripped of leaves and trees they were brown and desolate. Many were surviving on military rations handed out by U.S. Marines and the National Guard or at a local church that was serving 500 people per day.

“What I see are people coming who are hungry, who are tired, who are thirsty and need help,” said the Rev. Jeff Neevel, the pastor of the St. Thomas Reformed Church in the Virgin Islands capital, Charlotte Amalie. “It’s a destructio­n zone. Everything is destroyed. Everything.”

His church got power Tuesday for the first time since the storm hit a week earlier, thanks to the fact it had been designated an official food distributi­on center. Neevel said one of the most critical needs he sees is for tarps to protect the homes that lost roofs. People were also desperate for power and water so they could get back to work and return to some sense of normalcy.

“The village where I live is devastated,” said Dominique Olive, a 63-year-old from French Town, along St. Thomas’ southern coast. “There are people I’ve known for many, many years. Everything they have is gone.”

Olive said there has been some “disgusting” looting and desperatio­n but also hopeful signs. “We are helping each other. It doesn’t matter which color you are, we are all helping each other,” he said as he walked through Charlotte Amalie shortly after the curfew was lifted at noon.

There has been some progress getting back to normal on St. Thomas. The health department reopened a prenatal clinic and at least one water-pump station was back online. Power has been restored to parts of the island, though most residents still remain in the dark and downed power lines pose a hazard. Several U.S. Navy ships were in the islands, ferrying heavy equipment for a recovery effort led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and its local equivalent.

Hurricane Irma lashed St. Thomas and St. John with winds of 150 mph for more than four hours when the storm hit Sept. 6. A complete damage assessment had yet to be done but many homes were left in ruins, as were police and fire stations and the main hospital. There were four deaths from the storm.

 ?? CARIBBEAN BUZZ HELICOPTER­S VIA AP ?? An American flag sticks out through a storm-damaged roof in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma on Cinnamon Bay, U.S. Virgin Islands.
CARIBBEAN BUZZ HELICOPTER­S VIA AP An American flag sticks out through a storm-damaged roof in the aftermath of Hurricane Irma on Cinnamon Bay, U.S. Virgin Islands.

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