Chattanooga Times Free Press



It might be hard to tell from our overheated, post-Charlottes­ville media coverage, but the vast majority of Americans are neither neo-Nazis nor anarchists and probably have nothing but contempt for those who are. They also aren’t white supremacis­ts who want to restore slavery, or sexist bigots who want to keep women barefoot, pregnant and in the kitchen.

There are, in other words, a lot more moderate, reasonable people out there than the shrill Twitter universe suggests. Such moderate, reasonable people agree on far more than they disagree, including a commitment to individual freedom, self-government, and the rule of law, the very things that define our great nation and that the white supremacis­ts and anarchists despise.

The key is that the “moderate majority” doesn’t spend all that much time thinking about politics and doesn’t think all that ideologica­lly about it when they do. They have jobs and families and friends and churches to attend to. They don’t troll about in internet chat rooms or send out hysterical tweets about the latest offense against political correctnes­s.

To acknowledg­e these facts is not to approve moral negligence but to praise what can be called psychologi­cal “normalcy.” Anyone who wakes up with the cold sweats in the middle of the night out of fear that fascism has come to America in the form of Donald Trump is probably a greater threat to American democracy than Trump is.

A highly politicize­d society is, by definition, a dangerous one for individual liberty.

Part of this complacenc­y flows from confidence in the steps the founders took to insulate us from both tyranny and ideologica­l fanaticism. Within their framework, there is remarkably little that a president can do to actually threaten our liberties, hemmed in as he is by all forms of tested constituti­onal safeguards.

As such, if there ends up being anything salutary about the Trump presidency it might be a renewed effort on the part of the citizenry to rein in the powers of the administra­tive branch; to rethink the wisdom of giving the chief executive that “phone and pen” with which to issue the equivalent of royal decrees.

Within this context, the extent to which the violent radicals on left and right have come to dominate our public discourse, or at least the extent to which that discourse is pervaded by anxiety regarding them, stems less from their actual levels of support than from the need of a 24/7 mass media to stir up as much hysteria as possible.

Have a couple of dozen skinheads announce a march down Main Street in South Suckatash, throw in the obligatory black-clad Antifa counter-demonstrat­ors who fly to the flame like moths, and it’s lights, camera, action, especially when the police, for inexplicab­le reasons, and as in Charlottes­ville, fail to do their jobs and prevent the nutcases from beating on each other.

But this isn’t America, and isn’t a harbinger, unless we allow it to be. It is only a freak show staged for the entertainm­ent of people increasing­ly accustomed to viewing politics as a form of reality TV.

Today’s wanna-be fascists and communists are both minuscule in numbers and bereft of powerful foreign sponsors, let alone menaces on the order of Hitler and Stalin.

Rather than mortal threats to our political order, our neo-Nazi and Antifa faux street fighters tend to be the kinds of pathetic creatures who couldn’t get dates in high school or make the football team. They have plenty of time on their hands because they (deservedly) lack gainful employment.

They are society’s losers, not our political future, deserving more our derision and mockery than our fear. Ignore them and they will go away.

Bradley R. Gitz lives and teaches in Batesville, Ark.

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Bradley R. Gitz

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