Chattanooga Times Free Press

Your thanks and mine, especially today

- JAY GREESON Contact Jay Greeson at jgreeson@timesfreep­ and 423-757-6343.

Happy Thanksgivi­ng. We say that gladly this week. In this country, the evidence is staggering about the blessings Americans have.

We often take those blessings — from clean water, an afternoon off or a meal shared with family and friends — for granted.

We talked of hope earlier this week, and I believe we are in short supply of it.

We can be hopeful for good luck and good health.

But how hopeful are we about tomorrow, and maybe more importantl­y, each other?

I was hopeful TFP readers would play along with some of the things they are thankful for on this Thanksgivi­ng, and let’s just say my email runneth over.

We’ll share a dose of the best ones we received. Each reader thanks (in italics) will be followed by one of mine.

I’m thankful that I resigned from a job that was my passion a few weeks before learning that my mom has a hematologi­c cancer and will need chemothera­py. God knew I needed to be able to take care of her.

I’m thankful that I had as much time as I did with my mom before cancer took her last year. Be thankful for time; we are not guaranteed another second of it.

I’m thankful for the Times Free Press and the great coverage it gives our city. I’m also thankful for your writing.

I’m thankful for the TFP, and for you, too.

I’m thankful that I get four days a week that I don’t have to read your column.

I’m thankful for that, too, and for you, as well.

I’m thankful that my kids love their teacher this year.

Boy, that can make a world a difference for a parent. I’m thankful for the trust I have when I see the faces of the caring folks at my kids’ school in the morning car line. And while we’re here, I’m thankful for the renewed interest in matters of education in this county and especially thankful for the new leadership. The energy that has been jump-started with Dr. Bryan Johnson at the helm of the school district, and the support of the county providing money for much-needed capital projects, must be continued. Let’s be thankful that things are much better this November than they were 12 months ago.

I am thankful for the freedom to gather and celebrate things like Thanksgivi­ng as a family.

That’s two pretty big ones right there — freedom and family. We all are fortunate to live in a country founded on the former, and more than likely we have all complained at times about the latter. But can you imagine life without either of those monster F-words? Neither can I, so put me down as forever thankful that in my life both are always there.

First, to give thanks … aside from God, family and health, I’m thankful for good people.

This one is pretty excellent. Too often the squeaky, highest-pitched and most Kardashian, LaVar Ball-ian and even (pro- and con-) Trump-ian wheel gets our collective attention, and too many good folks are marginaliz­ed. When we only operate in extremes — our side, their side, blah, blah — too many good souls are left with too much work to do. So, I’m thankful for many of the good folks doing good work in and around our city.

I am thankful for this country and those in uniform (past, present and future) who protect it.

A lot of you sent a variation of this one, and it can not be repeated enough. Ever. In addition to those fighting enemies abroad, I’ll add how thankful I am to those in a variety of uniforms protecting us against crimes and fires.

I am thankful for pizza.

I had to include this one because when we gather as a family today and share what each of us is thankful for, this likely will be what my 10-year-old offers. (That or the new Stars Wars movie coming out next month.) And that’s OK. Thanksgivi­ng is a holiday about family, but the act of giving thanks starts individual­ly, today and as often as we can remember to do it.

So with that, especially today, know I am thankful for you.

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