Chattanooga Times Free Press

Trump denies Tillerson’s ouster


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday denied he wants to oust Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, calling reports to that effect “fake news,” as his top diplomat brushed off speculatio­n that he has lost the confidence of the White House.

As Tillerson went about his normal schedule of diplomatic activities, including two meetings with Trump, the president said his secretary of state is “not leaving.”

“The media has been speculatin­g that I fired Rex Tillerson or that he would be leaving soon — FAKE NEWS!” Trump tweeted. “He’s not leaving and while we disagree on certain subjects, (I call the final shots) we work well together and America is highly respected again!”

The tweet was Trump’s strongest endorsemen­t of his top diplomat since senior White House officials on Thursday began telling reporters that a plan had been devised to push Tillerson out and replace him with CIA chief Mike Pompeo. Immediatel­y after reports of the plan emerged, Trump offered only tepid support for Tillerson, noting only that he was at the White House for a previously scheduled meeting.

The halfhearte­d backing amid the swirl of speculatio­n over Tillerson’s imminent demise had threatened to impair his effectiven­ess, particular­ly as he prepares for an official trip to Europe next week.

On Friday, Tillerson attended two meetings at the White House with Trump — one with Libya’s visiting prime minister and then a lunch with the president and Defense Secretary James Mattis. Before those meetings, Tillerson told reporters at the State Department that speculatio­n he was on his way out was “laughable.”

Tillerson aides had said the secretary was sanguine and remained comfortabl­e in his role despite the turmoil in Trump’s national security team centering on him. Aides said Tillerson would continue to serve until the president asked him not to and stressed that such a request had not been made.

The officials were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly and spoke on condition of anonymity.

Although Tillerson looks safe for now, he will be losing a senior aide and conduit to the public in coming weeks.

R.C. Hammond, who has run State Department strategic communicat­ions since Tillerson took office, will leave his post in mid-December, officials said.

The departure of Hammond, one of the few senior Tillerson aides who was accessible to journalist­s, may hurt the department’s already difficult task of defending the secretary against a slew of negative reports about his leadership, particular­ly after senior White House officials amplified them Thursday.

According to senior White House officials, the plan centered around replacing Tillerson with Pompeo, which would have led to a major realignmen­t early in Trump’s term. It would create a vacancy atop the CIA that officials said could be filled by Republican Sen. Tom Cotton of Arkansas.

Such an overhaul could produce a significan­t shift in both the tone and direction of the president’s foreign policy, removing it from the oversight of the understate­d former oil man whose style has never fit well with Trump’s.

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