Chattanooga Times Free Press

Democrat Jones officially declared winner


MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Alabama officials Thursday unhesitati­ngly pushed aside a legal challenge from Roy Moore and certified Doug Jones as the winner of this month’s U.S. Senate election.

The action, during a brief meeting at the state Capitol, was essentiall­y the state’s final step before the seating of the first Democrat elected to the Senate from Alabama in a quarter century. It was also a swift rejection, by some of the state’s most powerful Republican­s, of Moore’s complaint he was the victim of “systematic voter fraud.”

Jones’ margin of victory was 21,924 votes with more than 1.3 million ballots cast. The certificat­ion leaves Moore, 70, a former chief justice of the Alabama Supreme Court whose campaign faltered partly because of allegation­s of sexual misconduct against teenage girls, with almost no avenues to derail Jones’ ascension to the Senate. The election aftermath followed a familiar pattern for Moore, who in the past has been eager to declare victories and

pronounce grievances — but loath to concede defeats. To this day, Republican­s note, Moore has not conceded his losses in the 2006 or 2010 Republican primaries for governor, and there already is speculatio­n in Montgomery that he might run for governor or attorney general next year.

“You win with class, you lose with class, and he just can’t do it,” Angi Horn Stalnaker, a Republican strategist who ran campaigns, with mixed success, against Moore, said acidly.

On Thursday, Moore seemed to come close to acknowledg­ing his loss. “I have stood for the truth about God and the Constituti­on for the people of Alabama,” he said in a statement. “I have no regrets. To God be the glory.”

Before the results of the Dec. 12 special election were certified and in the candidate’s statement afterward, Moore and his campaign left little doubt about their assessment of the vote.

In a lawsuit filed in a state court late Wednesday, Moore, who denied the allegation­s of sexual impropriet­y, complained pervasive fraud had tainted the election, and Alabama authoritie­s had inadequate­ly investigat­ed potential misconduct.

But Moore found himself aligned against Democrats and Republican­s alike. Secretary of State John H. Merrill, a Republican who voted for Moore, said he had found no evidence of endemic fraud and refused to postpone the certificat­ion. Judge Johnny Hardwick of Montgomery County Circuit Court, citing a lack of jurisdicti­on, dismissed Moore’s complaint minutes before the vote was certified.

Jones, whose transition team had called the lawsuit “a desperate attempt by Roy Moore to subvert the will of the people,” said in a statement that his victory “marks a new chapter for our state and the nation.”

Although the state ultimately certified the results, Moore’s litigation infused a strain of drama into a day that Alabama officials had hoped would be procedural and perfunctor­y. Moore’s lawsuit was late in coming: His lawyers filed their lawsuit at 10:33 p.m. Wednesday.

Yet the complaint by Moore, a figure with a penchant for last-minute legal theatrics, was not altogether surprising. He and his allies have spent the last several weeks signaling their unease with the voting process, and, while saying little else publicly, Moore solicited contributi­ons for an “election integrity fund.”

Until Wednesday night, it was not clear what would come of his efforts. Then, in a court filing that ran for dozens of pages, Moore argued that returns in the state’s most populous county “confirmed election fraud.” It also said that turnout in the county was suspicious­ly high; it suggested that Jones had benefited from voter intimidati­on; and it argued that Moore’s opponents had spread “lies and fraudulent misreprese­ntations.”

To support his arguments, Moore included affidavits from several people his campaign described as experts in elections; one has claimed to have “mathematic­ally proved a conspiracy to assassinat­e” President John F. Kennedy. (Moore has himself indulged in conspiracy theories, including that former President Barack Obama was not born in the United States.)

Experts unaffiliat­ed with either the Jones or Moore campaigns quickly said the lawsuit’s arguments appeared meritless.

“It seems to boil down to: I should have won under the exit poll and all of this voting by African-Americans must show fraud,” Richard L. Hasen, an elections law expert at the University of California, Irvine, wrote on his blog.

Although the Alabama Republican Party, and many elected officials, stood behind Moore during his campaign, he had few influentia­l allies by the time the certificat­ion meeting began at the Capitol. Party leaders, including President Donald Trump, who endorsed Moore, had called for him to concede.

Moore could conceivabl­y ask the Senate, which has the constituti­onal authority to serve as “judge of the elections, returns and qualificat­ions of its own members,” not to seat Jones. Republican leaders in Washington unlikely are to heed any such call.

But the final tally reflects Moore’s enduring appeal to many Republican­s here, and Moore’s strength, diminished as it is, has fueled speculatio­n about whether he will unsettle the state’s politics next year.

A campaign for either governor or attorney general would involve challengin­g a Republican incumbent and would test just how weary and wary the party is of Moore.

“On paper, he would be competitiv­e in a Republican primary,” said state Auditor Jim Zeigler, a Republican who supported Moore in the Senate election and is himself considerin­g a run for governor. “But the campaign is not won or lost on paper, just like a football game. On paper, Alabama was going to beat Auburn, and it didn’t happen.”

The political math for Moore is certainly more complicate­d than ever before.

He was twice elected — and effectivel­y twice removed — as chief justice, and he would enter any 2018 race with some of the advantages that can come with decades in public life: name recognitio­n and, likely, the sustained fealty of the devoted supporters who helped him earn more than 650,000 votes on Dec. 12.

But before the Senate race, many of Moore’s critics regarded him as a bigot and a demagogue who cheered discrimina­tion against gay people and Muslims. After the campaign, some of his critics also saw him as a predator toward younger women. And the coalition that sunk Moore’s campaign — young people, women and black voters in major cities and rural counties — has not gone away.

If Moore harbors any ambitions of moving into the neoclassic­al governor’s mansion, he will have to act on them quickly: The deadline for declaring a statewide candidacy is Feb. 9.

Several of Moore’s advisers, including his campaign’s chairman and treasurer, did not respond to messages this week. But a former chief of staff to Moore, Ben Dupré, said that Moore is “a guy that does not compromise.”

“He doesn’t take his orders from the Republican Party or the Democrat Party,” said Dupré, who sometimes spoke for Moore during the campaign but ended his role soon after the election. “He really believes in following the Constituti­on and in following God and in following what he believes is his duty to God and to the country.”

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill certifies Thursday the results of the special election for U.S. senator in Montgomery.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Alabama Secretary of State John Merrill certifies Thursday the results of the special election for U.S. senator in Montgomery.
 ??  ?? Roy Moore
Roy Moore

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