Chattanooga Times Free Press

‘Last chance’ for nuke deal; Iran sanctions are waived


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump on Friday delivered an ultimatum to America’s European allies to fix the “terrible flaws” in the Iran nuclear deal, or he’ll pull the U.S. out in a few months.

Trump made the threat as he extended waivers of key economic sanctions on Iran, keeping the accord alive at least for now.

“This is a last chance,” Trump warned in a statement that outlined several tough new rules on Iran. “In the absence of such an agreement, the United States will not again waive sanctions in order to stay in the Iran nuclear deal.”

Trump’s declaratio­n puts great pressure on Britain, France and Germany, the European signatorie­s to the nuclear pact with Iran. Trump wants them to help the U.S. devise a new agreement designed to prevent Iran from escalating nuclear activity again next decade, as permitted under the 2015 arrangemen­t reached by President Barack Obama. Iran has said it’s not interested in any renegotiat­ion.

The sanctions Trump had to waive on Friday dealt with Iran’s central bank. These penalties largely cut Iran out of the internatio­nal financial system, until they were suspended by Obama under the nuclear deal. Trump is also waiving other U.S. penalties covered by the agreement, including on Iran’s oil and gas sectors, which were up for renewal next week.

Trump will next have to deal with these decisions in the spring.

But Trump paired Friday’s concession with other, targeted sanctions on Iran for human rights abuses and ballistic missile developmen­t. The Treasury Department’s action hits 14 Iranian officials, companies and businessme­n from Iran, China and Malaysia, freezing any assets they have in the U.S. and banning Americans from doing business with them.

Those hit by the sanctions include: Iranian judiciary chief Sadegh Amoli Larijani; the Rajaee Shahr Prison and its director, Gholamreza Ziaei; the Islamic Revolution­ary Guard Corps Electronic Warfare and Cyber Defense Organizati­on; Iran’s Supreme Council of Cyberspace and National Cyberspace Center; Malaysia-based Green Wave Telecommun­ication and its Iranian director Morteza Razavi; and the Iran Helicopter Support and Renewal Company and Iran Aircraft Industries.

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