Chattanooga Times Free Press

Teen without friends blames her parents


DEAR ABBY: I’m a 16-year-old girl, and I’m pretty sure I’m the most insecure thing on the planet. I always feel self-conscious. I feel like everyone, including my closest friends, don’t like me or care about me as much as I care for them. I try to distance myself from people so I won’t seem annoying or clingy, but that has left me socially deprived.

I always feel like a burden to everyone and like everyone who is nice to me is only doing it out of pity.

A lot of this “no one likes you, everyone hates you” paranoia comes from my parents, because when I was younger, they said it to me repeatedly. I only have a few internet friends. They’re the only best friends I have, but unlike me, they have lives outside of the internet. I’m the loser. Please help. — COMPLETELY WORTHLESS

DEAR COMPLETELY WORTHLESS: Please do not compare your life with the lives of the people you know from the internet because the informatio­n can be misleading. In an online world, everything seems rosy because people are less likely to post about their disappoint­ments.

In the real world, let me point out that parents are supposed to support and encourage their children, not belittle and

denigrate them. Because you need more mentoring than I can offer in a letter or a column, I hope you will discuss your issues with a counselor at school who may be able to help you receive profession­al counseling to overcome the verbal abuse you have experience­d at home. Please write me again and let me know how you are doing because I care.

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 ??  ?? Dear Abby Written by Jeanne Phillips
Dear Abby Written by Jeanne Phillips

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