Chattanooga Times Free Press

White House: No exceptions from tariffs


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump’s administra­tion appears unbowed by broad domestic and internatio­nal criticism of his planned import tariffs on steel and aluminum, saying Sunday that the president is not planning to exempt any countries from the stiff duties.

Speaking on CNN’s “State of the Union,” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said: “At this point in time, there’s no country exclusions.”

The announceme­nt that Trump would impose tariffs of 25 percent and 10 percent, respective­ly, on imported steel and aluminum, roiled markets, rankled allies and raised trade war prospects. While his rhetoric has been focused on China, the duties also will cover significan­t imports from Canada, Mexico, South Korea, Japan and the European Union.

Addressing criticism of the proposed action, Trump tweeted Sunday that American “Steel and Aluminum industries are dead. Sorry, it’s time for a change!”

The Pentagon had recommende­d Trump only pursue targeted tariffs, so as not to upset American partners abroad. But Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said Sunday that was not the direction the president would take.

“He’s talking about a fairly broad brush,” Ross said on ABC’s “This Week.” He rejected threats of retaliatio­n from allies as “pretty trivial.”

Few issues could blur the lines of partisansh­ip in Trump-era Washington. Trade is one of them.

Labor unions and liberal Democrats are in the unusual position of applauding Trump’s approach, while Republican­s and an array of business groups are warning of dire economic and political consequenc­es if he goes ahead with the tariffs.

Trade politics often cut along regional, rather than ideologica­l, lines, as politician­s reflect the interests of hometown industries and workers. But rarely does a debate open so wide a rift between a president and his party — leaving him almost exclusivel­y with support from his ideologica­l opposites.

“Good, finally,” said Sen. Sherrod Brown, an Ohio Democrat and progressiv­e as he cheered Trump’s move. Sen. Bob Casey of Pennsylvan­ia, a Democrat who has called for Trump to resign, agreed.

“I urge the administra­tion to follow through and to take aggressive measures to ensure our workers can compete on a level playing field,” Casey tweeted.

This moment of unusual alliance was long expected. As a candidate, Trump made his populist and protection­ist positions on trade quite clear, at times hitting the same themes as one of the Democratic presidenti­al candidates, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders.

“This wave of globalizat­ion has wiped out totally, totally our middle class,” Trump told voters in the hard-hit steel town of Monessen, Pa., during one of his campaign stops. “It doesn’t have to be this way.”

Trump’s criticism of trade agreements and China’s trade policies found support with white working-class Americans whose wages had stagnated over the years. Victories in big steel-producing states such as Ohio, Pennsylvan­ia and Indiana demonstrat­ed that his tough trade talk had a receptive audience.

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