Chattanooga Times Free Press

Hollywood honors films at the 90th annual Academy Awards ceremony


The Cold War fantasy film “The Shape of Water” won best picture at the 90th Academy Awards on Sunday evening.

Director Guillermo del Toro’s film has been considered one of the front-runners for the evening’s top honor. It received a leading 13 nomination­s for this year’s Oscars, and won four Oscars on Sunday night.

It stars Sally Hawkins as a mute janitor who falls in love with an aquatic creature kept captive in a government lab.

Del Toro also won for best director. He dedicated the win to young filmmakers around the world.

Frances McDormand’s portrayal of a mother seeking justice for her murdered daughter in “Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri” won the best actress Academy Award.

It is McDormand’s second Oscar and comes for her blistering turn as a mother who feels authoritie­s haven’t done enough to investigat­e her daughter’s rape and murder.

Gary Oldman’s transforma­tion into Winston Churchill for “Darkest Hour” won him the best actor Academy Award.

It is Oldman’s first win on only his second nomination, despite his lengthy career of compelling performanc­es. The 59-year-old had been considered the front-runner for the honor, having swept awards season.

Host Jimmy Kimmel got the Oscars underway Sunday at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles with an opening monologue that mixed Weinstein punchlines with earnest comments about reforming gender equality in Hollywood. And of course, Kimmel — returning to the scene of the flub — dove straight into material about last year’s infamous bestpictur­e mix-up.

“I do want to mention, this year, when you hear your name called, don’t get up right away,” said Kimmel. “Give us a minute.”

But while Kimmel spent a few moments on the fiasco known as Envelopega­te, he expended far more minutes frankly and soberly discussing the parade of sexual harassment allegation­s that have coursed through the movie business in the wake of the revelation­s regarding Weinstein. He also spoke straightfo­rwardly about the industry’s poor record for female directors and equal pay.

“We can’t let bad behavior slide anymore,” said Kimmel. “The world is watching us.”

Gesturing to a giant statue on the stage, he praised Oscar, himself for keeping “his hands where you can see them” and for having “no penis at all.” But Kimmel introduced the broadcast as “a night for positivity,” and cited, among other things, the box-office sensation of “Black Panther.”

“I remember a time when the major studios didn’t believe a woman or a minority could open a super hero movie — and the reason I remember that time is because it was March of last year,” said Kimmel.

The night’s acting honors were considered fairly locked for nominees, and things began as expected. Two widely admired veterans won their first Oscars: Allison Janney (“I, Tonya”) took best supporting actress and Sam Rockwell (“Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri”) won best supporting actor.

“I did it all by myself,” deadpanned Janney, who added after a pause: “Nothing could be further from the truth.”

Rockwell dedicated his award to his late friend and fellow New York actor Philip Seymour Hoffman, who died in 2014. “For my buddy, Phil Hoffman,” said Rockwell, raising his Oscar.

Kimmel, with stopwatch in hand, also emphasized keeping acceptance speeches short. He promised the shortest speech would win a Jet Ski. Go long, and winners might get Lakeith Stansfield screaming “Get out!” as the actor briefly reprised his character from the Oscar-nominated “Get Out” on stage.

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