Chattanooga Times Free Press

Ryan reinstates House chaplain after priest decided to fight dismissal


WASHINGTON — Speaker Paul Ryan reinstated the Rev. Patrick J. Conroy as chaplain of the House of Representa­tives on Thursday, after the chaplain sent him a letter rescinding his forced dismissal and daring the speaker to fire him.

“I have accepted Father Conroy’s letter and decided that he will remain in his position as chaplain of the House,” the speaker said in a statement. “It is my job as speaker to do what is best for this body, and I know that this body is not well served by a protracted fight over such an important post.”

Conroy, a Catholic priest who has been the chaplain since 2011, intimated in a letter to Ryan on Thursday that the speaker did not have the authority to fire him, noting that the chaplain, who is selected by the speaker, is elected by the members of the House. He suggested his Catholic faith had contribute­d to his dismissal.

After Ryan reversed course, Conroy accepted some responsibi­lity in the debacle.

“We both acknowledg­ed that we need to talk about how I can improve my performanc­e so the chaplaincy operates for as many members as possible,” he said. “I don’t know any pastor or any chaplain anywhere that doesn’t have some detractors. That is the human condition. My problem is I was never told that that was the case.”

At least one Catholic Republican welcomed the news: “This should never have happened. He’s a good man, he’s a good chaplain and if they want to make a change this is not the way to do it,” said a surprised Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., who had been critical of the speaker’s decision.

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