Chattanooga Times Free Press

Immigratio­n detention prolonged


MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Olusegun Olatunji paid a $40,700 fine, did three months in a halfway house and spent a year on probation for selling counterfei­t hats out of an Indianapol­is shopping mall. Then, since the Nigerian native had overstayed a work visa 30 years ago, immigratio­n officials detained him to await deportatio­n in 2014.

More than three years later, he’s still waiting. He’s moved among six immigratio­n detention centers, including his ongoing second stay at a county jail in Gadsden, Ala., critics call a black hole for complicate­d deportatio­n cases.

U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t agents detained more than 100,000 immigrants during the 2017 fiscal year, holding them an average of 34 days before releasing or deporting them, federal records show. Average length of detention was 22 days in fiscal year 2016.

But some are held for months or years because of pending appeals or delayed deportatio­ns — time that could increase after President Donald Trump’s immigratio­n crackdown and a recent ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Many of the longest-running cases involve immigrants such as Olatunji who have been convicted of committing a nonimmigra­tion crime but appeal their deportatio­n. Olatunji, who like many in the system has no attorney, said he wants to stay to be able to support his 15-yearold U.S.-born son’s college education.

Immigrant advocates argue that detainees have rights equal to criminal defendants awaiting trial in jail, a notion that U.S. courts have generally rejected.

Unlike convicts serving out a defined sentence, however, “these folks are not knowing when their time will be up,” said Donald Anthonyson, director of the national advocacy organizati­on Families for Freedom and a former detainee.

In February, the U.S. Supreme Court threw out a lower-court decision that gave detained immigrants the right to a bond hearing after six months; most criminal defendants get such a hearing within days.

An earlier decision still lets detainees with deportatio­n orders petition for release after three months if their deportatio­n will be further delayed. The court said in that ruling the law “does not permit indefinite detention.”

ICE declined a request for a phone interview quoting an official but said in an email to The Associated Press the government can suspend the three-month time limit for deportatio­n if the detainee fails to apply for travel documents or, according to immigratio­n law, “conspires or acts to prevent” their deportatio­n.

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