Chattanooga Times Free Press

Travel two-step denied but still strides from commission transparen­cy


It’s been a few years since we discussed the “Sneaky Six.”

You remember that, right? It was the beginning of the end of discretion­ary funds for Hamilton County commission­ers — that six-figure kitty that proponents called opportunit­ies to help goodintent­ioned community groups and what right-thinking folks viewed, at least in part, as a vote-buying slush fund.

Well, if you’re scoring at home and wondering about the purposes of journalism, put one in the win column for good guys Wednesday.

A bad idea was hatched to double the travel budget for each commission­er.

Yes, the travel budgets, which if doubled, would be more than the salaries of the commission­ers. Yes, the same travel budget that went lightly used by almost all of the commission­ers. Yes, the same travel budget that, when those funds go unused, does not go back into the general budget, but is available at the “discretion” of the commission­ers. Sounds fishy, right? Well, thanks to the reporting by this paper’s Judy Walton and the thoughts of the Free Press editorial page, Wednesday’s commission meeting ended that proposal.

A quick 7-1 vote derailed the work behind the scenes to get back a sliver of those discretion­ary funds.

Heck, when this was first announced I had one loyal reader ask me what alliterati­ve nickname those seeking the travel bump could expect.

Let’s call them the “traveling two.”

Commission Chairman Randy Fairbanks said two of his colleagues asked to have commission­ers’ travel money doubled in next year’s budget. He said Wednesday it was the request of Greg Beck and Dr. Warren Mackey.

Fairbanks obliged the request. In the spectrum of a nine-figure budget, this is a rounding error.

Beck, whose distinguis­hed public service career will end this year after his defeat in a primary challenge this month, changed course and voted against the measure.

Commission­ers Greg Martin and Joe Graham were vocally against the travelbudg­et increase from the very start. Fairbanks voted against it, as well.

Mackey was not in attendance.

Here’s the rub: It’s not the money; it’s the principle.

Especially from a bunch that has banged the transparen­cy drum consistent­ly. But that drum is not an instrument. It’s a value.

It also is an expectatio­n from those who depend on you. It is, in terms of public service, as much about honesty as it is clarity.

The one vote for it? That belonged to Chester Bankston, and in some ways this side of Martin and Graham, his may have been the most transparen­t part of this song and dance.

Disagree with Bankston’s position all you want, but at least he put his name on it and shared his position.

And if you think there was anything close to transparen­cy from the commission in this matter, ask yourself this question:

If Walton’s story and the details of the travel tango had not come out, what do you think the vote would have been?

We’d guess it would have been much closer to 7-2 in support.

Transparen­cy when someone else is holding the light is not true transparen­cy, friends.

Contact Jay Greeson at jgreeson@timesfreep­ or 423-757-6343.

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