Chattanooga Times Free Press

The partisan battle Brett Kavanaugh now regrets


WASHINGTON — By the beginning of 1998, Brett M. Kavanaugh seemed set: a Yale law degree, three judicial clerkships, including one with Justice Anthony M. Kennedy, and, less than a decade out of law school, a coveted partnershi­p at Kirkland & Ellis, a prominent law firm with offices a block from the White House.

At just 32, Kavanaugh had wrapped up a three-year stint working for his mentor, Ken Starr, on the sprawling Whitewater investigat­ion of President Bill Clinton. The inquiry was finally winding down, and Kavanaugh believed it was in some ways deeply flawed, telling an audience at Georgetown University Law Center, “It makes no sense at all to have an independen­t counsel looking at the conduct of the president.”

Then, just as he was starting at the law firm, he went back.

For nearly seven months, Kavanaugh — now President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Kennedy on the Supreme Court — worked for Starr once again, despite his objections, helping assemble the case that the president had an affair with Monica Lewinsky and obstructed justice by trying to cover it up. It was Kavanaugh who pressed Starr to aggressive­ly question Clinton on the details of his sexual relationsh­ip with Lewinsky and who drafted the section of Starr’s report to the House that laid out 11 possible grounds for Clinton’s impeachmen­t.

Kavanaugh’s decision to return to Starr’s side plunged him into an immersion course in the brutal ways of Washington combat, forever connecting him to an investigat­ion Democrats called a partisan witch hunt, foreshadow­ing the epithet that Republican­s now use to describe the efforts of the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III.

Kavanaugh still regards Starr as an “American hero.” But whether as a result of mature reflection or the expedient recognitio­n that he should distance himself from the politicall­y radioactiv­e prosecutio­n, Kavanaugh now argues more forcefully against criminal investigat­ions

of sitting presidents.

“Like many Americans at that time, I believed that the president should be required to shoulder the same obligation­s that we all carry,” he wrote in a 2009 law review article, about 10 years after the Starr investigat­ions ended.

“But in retrospect,” he said, “that seems a mistake.”

That position has an obvious appeal to the White House and allies of Trump. But to Democrats who objected to Starr’s investigat­ion and are now the ones looking to a special counsel to find criminal activity in a president’s activities, there is more than a little irony in Kavanaugh’s shifting positions.

“It redefines flexibilit­y,” said Rahm Emanuel, the mayor of Chicago, who was a senior adviser to Clinton at the time.


News of the Lewinsky affair broke in January 1998, after Clinton testified in a sexual harassment suit that had been nurtured for years by a network of conservati­ve lawyers. Paula Jones, an Arkansas state worker, said Clinton had made lewd advances in a hotel room when he was governor. In his deposition for the case, Clinton was provided a tortured definition of sexual relations — and denied engaging in such actions with Lewinsky.

Starr obtained permission from Janet Reno, the attorney general, and a three-judge panel to expand his investigat­ion to include Lewinsky, and suddenly Kavanaugh’s former colleagues were under siege. An investigat­ion that had begun by examining a complex real estate deal in Arkansas had become a tawdry exposé of the president’s sex life, complete with a semen-stained dress and a sex toy in the Oval Office.

“The moment they go into a different chapter, it becomes the most unprofessi­onal investigat­ion ever done,” Emanuel said. “They were not doing their job. They were leaking constantly, and they were trying to battle a presidency.”

Some members of Starr’s team, such as Rod J. Rosenstein, now the deputy attorney general, and Alex M. Azar II, the current secretary of health and human services, were heading for the exits or keeping their distance. Neither returned to the Starr team after the Lewinsky scandal emerged.

But Kavanaugh was a Starr protégé — he started his legal career with a one-year fellowship in the office of the U.S. solicitor general when Starr held that office. And so when his old boss called on him in April 1998, Kavanaugh did not say no right away. His partners at Kirkland & Ellis thought he was crazy for even thinking about going back. In the end, loyalty prevailed.

“We begged and begged and begged,” said Robert Bittman, the deputy counsel who led the Lewinsky prosecutio­n for Starr. “He really liked big legal issues. That was my pitch to him. Eventually, he succumbed and came back.”

At the Georgetown Law Center event earlier that year, a moderator had asked the panel Kavanaugh was on: “How many of you believe as a matter of law that a sitting president cannot be indicted during the term of office?” Kavanaugh raised his hand.

Still, he reasoned, impeachmen­t was another matter. It was one thing to have concerns about an unrestrain­ed prosecutor. But the Constituti­on made it clear Congress should have the power to address presidenti­al misdeeds, so when he returned to the Starr investigat­ion, Kavanaugh gave no indication that he had any doubts about laying the groundwork for Congress to remove the president.

That spring, Kavanaugh again became one of Starr’s top legal strategist­s in what became a fierce war with Clinton’s lawyers that involved strategic leaks to the press about evidence and, critics said, grand jury testimony.

Kavanaugh’s associates said they did not believe he was ever guilty of the kinds of leaks that Clinton’s lawyers repeatedly complained about. In a questionna­ire he submitted to the Senate last month, Kavanaugh wrote, without elaboratin­g, that “I have also spoken to reporters on background as appropriat­e or as directed.”

Kavanaugh attended occasional dinners at Starr’s house, including one where the Capitol Steps, a musical satire group, performed. But he was not part of the poker games a few of the lawyers sometimes held, one colleague recalled. Most described him as a quiet force at Starr’s daily 5 p.m. all-hands strategy sessions, speaking up only occasional­ly to help guide the legal debate.

“He’s always been a guy who is judicious in his comments,” said Sol Wisenberg, one of Kavanaugh’s colleagues at the time. “He’s not a shouter.”

In an office that included Democrats and Republican­s, Kavanaugh was not openly ideologica­l, according to several of the people who worked with him. But like the other lawyers, Kavanaugh was deeply invested in winning, and convinced of the president’s moral and criminal guilt.

“Were there people who disliked the president? Absolutely,” said Andy Leipold, a member of the Starr legal team who is now a law professor at the University of Illinois. “The more the attacks came — what we perceived to be unfair attacks — it was human nature. This guy just is not acting presidenti­al.”

By the summer, the investigat­ion that Kavanaugh had rejoined was seen by many in Washington as an out-of-control, puritanica­l crusade that had morphed into an unfair attempt to criminaliz­e the president’s personal behavior — a perception opinion polls showed was largely shared by the American people.

One of Kavanaugh’s former law partners urged him to leave before his career suffered permanent damage. Kavanaugh listened — and decided to stay.

“Brett’s recognitio­n was that I needed all the help I could get,” Starr recalled. “By that time, Brett and I were very close. I think he responded to a friend in need.”


Starr and his lawyers grew obsessed with the president’s lies even as Clinton’s allies condemned the investigat­ors as part of a right-wing legal conspiracy that had maneuvered to take him down.

The atmosphere inside the independen­t counsel’s office grew even more intense as it became clear Clinton would testify in the Lewinsky case, and that Starr was determined to send an impeachmen­t report to Congress.

As prosecutor­s prepared for their face-off with Clinton in August, Kavanaugh took a hard line in urging relentless and detailed questionin­g of the president, according to two people in Starr’s office who recalled a memo Kavanaugh sent urging the use of explicit questions during the interview.

“The president has disgraced his office, the legal system and the American people by having sex with a 22-year-old intern and turning her life into a shambles — callous and disgusting behavior that has somehow gotten lost in the shuffle,” Kavanaugh wrote in the memo, according to a 2010 book, “The Death of American Virtue: Clinton vs. Starr.”

In the memo, Kavanaugh added that Clinton had attacked the Starr team “with a sustained propaganda campaign that would make Nixon blush.”

Unless Clinton resigned or admitted to perjury and publicly apologized to Starr, Kavanaugh wrote, he should be asked detailed questions based on Lewinsky’s testimony about oral sex, masturbati­on and the like.

As Starr’s self-imposed September deadline to deliver a report to Congress loomed, Kavanaugh focused on developing the grounds for Clinton’s impeachmen­t, including sweeping charges of lying and obstructio­n of justice.

“He was a working machine,” Leipold recalled. “What I remember is him sitting at the computer with weeks, days, hours to go before the referral needs to go to the printer, working away, focused like a laser.”

But when the time came to provide Congress with a report, Kavanaugh grew distressed. In addition to outlining the possible case for impeachmen­t, Starr also planned to give lawmakers an extended “narrative,” full of sordid details, about the affair between Clinton and Lewinsky.

“Brett was an advocate against explicit detail,” said Paul Rosenzweig, who took the opposite position during the heated strategy sessions on the issue. Rosenzweig and others, including Starr, thought they needed to include the details to prove their case that Clinton had lied.

Kavanaugh thought the sexual narrative would undermine the credibilit­y of the office, and he predicted it would be immediatel­y leaked to the press by members of Congress. He urged Starr to at least write a blunt letter urging them not to make that part of the report public.

He lost both fights. The final report included all the sexual details, and quickly went online. In a 1999 interview with CNN, Kavanaugh said that decision had hurt Starr’s team.

“It really was a mistake for Congress to take this sensitive informatio­n, to put it on the internet before they even read it,” Starr said. “They had not even read the report, and obviously, given the nature of the case, there were going to be some sensitive details. I think that was a mistake, that was unfortunat­e, it redounded to our detriment.”

 ??  ?? Brett Kavanaugh
Brett Kavanaugh
 ?? PHOTO BY ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES ?? Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, leaves a meeting last week on Capitol Hill in Washington. Kavanaugh’s decision in 1998 to rejoin the Ken Starr investigat­ion, after it had expanded to include the Monica...
PHOTO BY ERIN SCHAFF/THE NEW YORK TIMES Judge Brett Kavanaugh, President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, leaves a meeting last week on Capitol Hill in Washington. Kavanaugh’s decision in 1998 to rejoin the Ken Starr investigat­ion, after it had expanded to include the Monica...

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