Chattanooga Times Free Press



Democrats are fielding a remarkable contingent of young challenger­s for seats in the House of Representa­tives this fall. More than a third of the party’s strongest candidates to replace Republican­s are under 40. That’s one reason I hope that 77-year-old Donna Shalala wins a competitiv­e Democratic primary in Miami next week. She’d balance the almost-certain infusion of refreshing young talent with some seasoning.

Shalala was President Bill Clinton’s Health and Human Services Secretary, and earlier served in the administra­tion of President Jimmy Carter and ran several universiti­es. Under her leadership from 2001 to 2015, the University of Miami grew from a decent institutio­n into a really good one.

She’s being challenged from the left in the Aug. 28 primary by David Richardson, a state legislator, for not embracing impeachmen­t of President Donald Trump. Richardson also was endorsed by the Miami Herald in an editorial that didn’t mention Shalala’s age but pointedly noted that he could be “an enduring advocate” for Miami voters (he’s 61). The incumbent Republican, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, is retiring and Democrats are heavily favored to win the seat in November.

A major reason I believe Democrats will send as many as 50 new members to the House, almost two-thirds taking Republican-held seats, is that so many of their candidates aren’t the usual state legislator­s or career officials. They’re armed with impressive resumes and have displayed the skills, so far, to avoid major mistakes.

It’s a diverse lot: Aftab Pureval of Cincinnati, Ohio, a 35-year-old son of immigrants from India and a former prosecutor and counsel at Procter & Gamble; Colin Allred, a 35-yearold Dallas civil rights lawyer and former Tennessee Titans linebacker; and Abigail Spanberger in Virginia, a 38-year-old former officer of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency.

With a large number of women and veterans running, this new blood will be energizing for a Democratic caucus that looks old.

With uncertaint­y over the next House leadership — more than a few of these challenger­s have vowed not to support Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for speaker even though the California­n could probably protect their political interests better than any alternativ­e — some voices of experience will be necessary.

Under Trump, many of the old rules no longer apply. But some do: the way bureaucrac­ies work, the laws of unintended consequenc­es and value of patience when passions of the moment strike. No matter how bright, newcomers don’t usually master these complexiti­es quickly.

Shalala has been there and done that. She lasted the entire eight turbulent years of the Clinton administra­tion. On big issues like health care and higher education she’d bring a wealth of knowledge.

Although it may be a diminishin­g asset, she also knows how to work with Republican­s. As president of the University of Miami, she effectivel­y courted business leaders and Republican donors. After the 2007 scandal of mistreated veterans at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, she and former Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas ran an investigat­ion that resulted in sweeping changes. She was awarded the presidenti­al Medal of Freedom, the nation’s highest civilian honor, by a Republican president, George W. Bush.

There are legitimate criticisms of her candidacy beyond age, including athletic scandals at Miami that involved misdeeds during her tenure. Richardson has charged that she was too passive on sexual abuse cases. Health care reform floundered during the Clinton administra­tion.

But these shortcomin­gs are outweighed by Shalala’s government­al and educationa­l accomplish­ments. If successful, she may only serve a few terms, but there are good role models demonstrat­ing the value that former top executive-branch officials can add to the House. Dick Cheney went from chief of staff for President Gerald Ford to a Wyoming House seat in 1979 and became a major congressio­nal force. Rahm Emanuel was a senior adviser to Clinton before winning an Illinois House seat in 2002 and rising to leadership positions.

 ??  ?? Albert Hunt
Albert Hunt

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