Chattanooga Times Free Press

Late Night Laughs: Around the White House


An 11-year-old boy in Florida was able to hack into a state elections website and change results in under 10 minutes. So get ready to meet Florida’s next governor, Fortnite McDeadpool. — Jimmy Fallon

President Trump was in New Jersey this weekend, where he hosted a “Bikers for Trump” rally at one of his private golf courses. Because really, what’s more … rebellious for bikers to do than hang out at a members-only golf club? “Bikers for Trump,” or as most people call them, “bikers.” — James Corden

After a large parrot escaped from its London home, a firefighte­r attempted to rescue the bird off a nearby roof. Apparently the bird’s owner told the firefighte­r to go up there and say, “I love you.” And the parrot responded with “[bleep] off.” Although the story does have a happy ending. The parrot has just been hired as Donald Trump’s new press secretary. — James Corden

Democrats and some Republican­s are voicing concerns about President Trump’s proposed military parade (now canceled) and feel the event may come off as totalitari­an. You think? That’s like someone being worried that the Pride Parade is going to come off as a little bit gay. — Seth Meyers

President Trump had lunch with Vice President Mike Pence today. He didn’t mean to. He just asked a waiter for a side of mayo and they brought Pence over. — Seth Meyers

President Trump tweeted today that there is nothing that he would want more for the country than true freedom of the press. And then even the Twitter bird rolled its eyes. — Seth Meyers

Trump went on to say that he will be going on the road and making 50 campaign stops, but he has “no problem with that.” You know who else doesn’t have a problem with that? Melania. “Go, go. Take all the time you need. Make 100 stops! See the sights!” — James Corden

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