Chattanooga Times Free Press

Trump targets Missouri’s McCaskill


COLUMBIA, Mo. — President Donald Trump implored voters on Thursday to reject Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill and to instead install a Republican in her seat who would fully back his agenda.

Trump appeared at a rollicking campaign rally in Columbia, home of the state’s largest university, in an airline hangar draped in American flags. It was his second rally in an 11-stop, eight-state tour designed to boost Republican turnout ahead of Tuesday’s crucial midterm elections.

The president, accompanie­d by McCaskill’s Republican challenger, Josh Hawley, declared that Hawley “will be a star.”

Hawley, the current attorney general, sought to link McCaskill to Trump’s Democratic opponent, Hillary Clinton, who lost the

state in 2016 by nearly 19 percentage points.

“Claire McCaskill has spent her lifetime in politics just like Hillary,” Hawley said. “Claire McCaskill wanted us to call Hillary Clinton ‘Madam President.’ On Nov. 6, we’re going to call Claire McCaskill ‘fired.’”

With four days to go until midterm elections that determine control of Congress, Republican­s are optimistic they could make gains in the Senate, but they might struggle to

maintain a majority in the House.

McCaskill is among a number of vulnerable Democrats running in red states. She is a top target for Republican­s seeking to expand the party’s slim 51-49 edge in the U.S. Senate.

McCaskill is pitching herself as a moderate as she seeks to hold onto her seat. She has sought to distance herself from “crazy Democrats” and said in an appearance on Fox News that she supports Trump’s efforts to secure the southern

border. Hawley has dismissed her efforts and argues that she is not the right fit for an increasing­ly conservati­ve state.

Trump said that McCaskill has been “saying nice things” but that she “wants to get elected and then she’ll always vote against us.”

A check of her record, however, shows that McCaskill votes with the president about half the time, though she has opposed him on some key issues.

 ?? AP PHOTO/EVAN VUCCI ?? President Donald Trump speaks Thursday during a campaign rally at Columbia Regional Airport in Columbia, Mo.
AP PHOTO/EVAN VUCCI President Donald Trump speaks Thursday during a campaign rally at Columbia Regional Airport in Columbia, Mo.

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