Chattanooga Times Free Press

New exercise guidelines released: Move more, sit less, start younger


CHICAGO — Move more, sit less and get kids active as young as age 3, say new federal guidelines that stress that any amount and any type of exercise helps health.

The advice is the first update since the government’s physical activity guidelines came out a decade ago. Since then, the list of benefits of exercise has grown, and there’s more evidence to back things that were of unknown value before, such as short, highintens­e workouts and taking the stairs instead of an elevator.

Highlights of the advice released Monday at an American Heart Associatio­n conference in Chicago and published in the Journal of the American Medical Associatio­n:


The biggest change: Start young. Guidelines used to begin at age 6, but the new ones say preschoole­rs ages 3 through 5 should be encouraged to take part in active play throughout the day. They don’t call for a certain amount but say a reasonable target may be three hours of various intensitie­s. That’s consistent with guidelines in many other countries and is the average amount of activity observed in kids this age.

From ages 6 through 17, at least an hour of moderate-to-vigorous activity throughout the day is recommende­d. Most of it should be aerobic, the kind that gets the heart rate up such as brisk walking, biking or running. At least three times a week, exercise should be vigorous and include muscle- and bone-strengthen­ing activities such as climbing on playground equipment or playing sports.


Duration stays the same — at least 2 ½ to 5 hours of moderate-intensity or 1 ¼ to 2 ½ hours of vigorous activity a week, plus at least two days that include muscle-strengthen­ing exercise such as pushups or lifting weights.

One key change: It used to be thought that aerobic activity had to be done for at least 10 minutes. Now even short times are known to help. Even a single episode of activity gives short-term benefits such as lowering blood pressure, reducing anxiety and improving sleep.

Sitting a lot is especially harmful.

The advice is similar for older adults, but activities should include things that promote balance to help avoid falls.


Targeting young children is the goal of a project that Dr. Valentin Fuster, a cardiologi­st at New York’s Mount Sinai Hospital, has worked on for years with the Heart Associatio­n and Sesame Workshop, producers of television’s “Sesame Street.”

At the heart conference, he gave results of an intensive four-month program to improve knowledge and attitudes about exercise and health among 562 kids ages 3 to 5 in Head Start preschools in Harlem.

“It was really successful,” Fuster said. “Once they understand how the body works, they begin to understand physical activity” and its importance.

 ?? AP PHOTO/AARON MARINEAU ?? Third-graders run under a rainbow-colored tarp during the annual Kansas Kids Fitness Day, in Hutchinson, Kan., in 2013.
AP PHOTO/AARON MARINEAU Third-graders run under a rainbow-colored tarp during the annual Kansas Kids Fitness Day, in Hutchinson, Kan., in 2013.

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