Chattanooga Times Free Press

James Comey resists closed-door Congress interview


WASHINGTON — Former FBI chief James Comey said Thursday he will resist a subpoena to appear before a congressio­nal committee Dec. 3 unless that happens publicly because House Republican­s will distort anything he says behind closed doors.

“I’m still happy to sit in the light and answer all questions,” he tweeted.

The House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia, subpoenaed Comey as part of an investigat­ion into FBI decisions made during the 2016 election, when Democrat Hillary Clinton was cleared in a probe into her email use and agents opened an investigat­ion into Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia.

Some Republican­s have argued that Justice officials were conspiring against Trump’s election when Comey ran the bureau and they have interviewe­d multiple current and former Justice officials behind closed doors in an effort to prove their point. Democrats say Republican­s are trying to discredit special counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia investigat­ion before they lose control of the House in January.

Comey, who was fired by Trump, tweeted of House Republican­s: “I’ve seen enough of their selective leaking and distortion. Let’s have a hearing and invite everyone to see.”

His lawyer, David Kelley, said in a statement that Comey “will resist in court this abuse of process.”

 ?? AP PHOTO/ANDREW HARNIK ?? Former FBI director James Comey speaks during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill last year in Washington.
AP PHOTO/ANDREW HARNIK Former FBI director James Comey speaks during a Senate Intelligen­ce Committee hearing on Capitol Hill last year in Washington.

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