Chattanooga Times Free Press

Sen. Cory Booker begins possible tuneup to 2020 presidenti­al run


MANCHESTER, N.H. — Sen. Cory Booker, returning to the firstin-the-nation primary state Saturday for a two-day trip that could turn out to be a tuneup for the New Jersey Democrat’s potential presidenti­al campaign, said the visit leaves him “a lot more confident in making decisions going forward.”

Booker headlined the New Hampshire Democratic Party’s postmidter­m victory celebratio­n in Manchester. The event at the New Hampshire Institute of Art was jam-packed, with fire marshals directing latecomers to a separate overflow room.

Booker, who headlined two rallies in the state a week before the midterm election and who contribute­d more money to the New Hampshire Democratic Party and various candidates than any other potential White House hopeful during the 2018 cycle, was described by state party chairman Ray Buckley as a “best friend” to New Hampshire Democrats.

Booker didn’t discuss any 2020 ambitions in his speech, which some in the crowd described as a sermon.

He spotlighte­d the importance of love and emphasized that “this country has enough hate, enough bigotry, enough anti-Semitism. What we need now are courageous actors who call to the conscience of our country. A higher moral imaginatio­n, who call for a revival of civic grace.”

The likely presidenti­al contender was also the main attraction at a gathering with activists in Nashua, at the home of longtime former state Sen. Bette Lasky. He’ll also be the guest of honor at house gatherings in Concord on Saturday night and Sunday in Keene.

Booker, who’s said in recent weeks that he’ll take the holiday season to assess whether to run for the White House in 2020, told The Associated Press that the trip is “really helpful to me in understand­ing what a potential presidenti­al campaign would be about.”

He added that coming to New Hampshire makes “me feel a lot more centered, a lot more grounded, and a lot more confident in making decisions going forward.”

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