Chattanooga Times Free Press

Councilman Darrin Ledford’s proposed guidelines:


› Retaining wall requiremen­ts: Prior to obtaining a land disturbanc­e permit, drawings for any retaining wall equal to or greater than four feet in height must be approved in advance. Any retaining walls to be constructe­d onsite shall be constructe­d prior to beginning constructi­on of the habitual structure unless a waiver is issued by the city’s Land Developmen­t Office because of some unusual situation or scheduling issue.

› Erosion control constructi­on documents: Sites which otherwise typically require an erosion control plan, or where located within a floodplain, shall be designed by a registered engineer and/or an individual who is in good standing with the Tennessee Department of Environmen­t and Conservati­on having passed the necessary courses with a Level 2 certificat­ion. Such sites shall also provide a signed preparers statement stating the following: “I hereby certify that the plans prepared were done so with the understand­ing that this site has steep slopes/is located within a flood plain and that the erosion control measures indicated are designed to address these conditions.”

› Additional land developmen­t inspection prior to foundation inspection: Once a land disturbanc­e permit is issued on a site with steep slopes, the foundation footing inspection­s by city personnel shall occur only once the onsite erosion control measures implemente­d are inspected and found to be in good standing.

› Additional peak flow stormwater requiremen­ts: Sites with 35 percent slopes requiring stormwater runoff attenuatio­n through stormwater detention shall have the peak post-constructi­on runoff rates for the 2, 5, 10 and 25-year storm events peak flows reduced by a minimum of 10 percent of the calculated pre-constructi­on peak stormwater runoff rates. Additional­ly, sites filling in flood plain areas requiring stormwater runoff attenuatio­n through stormwater detention shall have the peak post-constructi­on runoff rates for the 2, 5, 10 and 25-year storm events peak flows reduced by a minimum of 10 percent of the calculated pre-constructi­on peak stormwater runoff rates.

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