Chattanooga Times Free Press

Songbirds to host open jams

- BY BARRY COURTER STAFF WRITER Contact Barry Courter at bcourter@ timesfreep­ or 423-757-6354.

“I’m a drummer at heart and I always will be,” says Johnny Smith, whose other gig is serving as president of Songbirds Guitar Museum.

Like probably all musicians, what he really wants to be doing is playing music. Smith also understand­s how difficult it can be for a musician, who might be new to town, to find people to play with or a place to play. So he has come up with a solution, he hopes.

Songbirds has started hosting a blues jam on Monday nights and an open jam on Wednesday nights in the lounge area, affectiona­tely redubbed “The Nest,” in Songbirds South. Smith says it is similar to open mic nights, but while those are usually geared more toward vocalists, who either join a house band or sing to tracks, these open jams are open to all musicians.

“We provide all of the equipment,” Smith says. “PA, drums, keyboards, everything. We already have it and I want to see it used. But mostly, I want to get people together to play music.”

This is the third week for the jams and Smith says he has been encouraged by not only the turnout, but the quality of players.

To participat­e, you need to register starting at 6:30 p.m. There is no charge. Playing will start around 8 p.m.

Local blues guitarist Rick Rushing serves as master of ceremonies on Monday night and Smith says members of his staff, who are all musicians, will keep things moving on Wednesdays, which is wide open genre-wise.

“Rick will bring some other musicians to create a house band kind of thing. But, you are welcome to get up and play. Come on. The cool thing is that on the first Wednesday, people came to check it out and network and ended up onstage jamming. And, they were really good.”

Smith admits that the jams are an experiment and that he and his staff are figuring things out as they happen, but he hopes they develop into something big enough to warrant moving into the larger showroom area of the venue.

He also hopes they serve as a way to bring the many talented players in our area together.

“I know how hard it can be to find a band or meet new people,” he says.

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