Chattanooga Times Free Press

Democratic leaders decline to punish Omar after her apology for remarks


WASHINGTON — House Democratic leaders do not plan to strip freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar of her committee assignment­s or take other action against her for comments they said were offensive and invoked anti-Semitic tropes.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said he takes Omar at her word that she didn’t intend to be anti-Semitic when she said lawmakers took pro-Israel stances because of political contributi­ons from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Omar, D-Minn., has “unequivoca­lly” apologized for the comments — after Democratic leaders called on her to do so — saying she did not mean offense or to invoke an anti-Semitic trope about Jewish money. At the same time, she affirmed her opposition to lobbying groups like AIPAC being involved in politics.

Hoyer said he didn’t think Omar equivocate­d in her apology and forgave her comments so long as she doesn’t repeat them.

“I don’t think she’s anti-Semitic,” Hoyer said. “She did apologize. The key will be that when we make a mistake like that, conscious or unconsciou­s, that we don’t repeat it. That will be the proof of the pudding.”

Democrats are not planning to take any legislativ­e action against Omar, Hoyer said. He also said he had not talked with House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., who said Republican­s will take action of their own this week.

While no decision about the specific action has been made yet, it could come in the form of a resolution rebuking Omar’s comments and rejecting anti-Semitism. Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y., has such a resolution that the Republican leadership is considerin­g.

House Majority Whip James E. Clyburn, D-S.C., also said he doesn’t think more action needs to be taken against Omar.

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