Chattanooga Times Free Press



When President Donald Trump invoked “alarm” in his State of the Union address over what he described as “new calls to adopt socialism in our country,” television quickly cut to Sen. Bernie Sanders. The independen­t, self-described “democratic socialist” from Vermont reacted with a tightlippe­d glare as if he had just bitten into a dill pickle.

But TV might just as well have swung over to Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York. She’s another self-proclaimed “democratic socialist,” whose rising, camera-ready star power has picked up where

Sanders’ failed bid for the 2016 Democratic presidenti­al nomination left off in fueling the “alarm” on the right.

Indeed, recent polls have shown that socialism has long been viewed more favorably by a narrow majority of Democrats. The party has edged slightly more to the left in recent years, while Republican­s have stayed firmly on the right.

Although I would question assertions that socialism is somehow sweeping the country, I have little doubt that the right’s attempts to intimidate or silence the left by casting liberal ideas as “class warfare” or “socialism” have lost a lot of their sting.

For that, “AOC,” as she is increasing­ly known, can take a lot of the credit or, depending on your point of view, blame. As Republican­s and other conservati­ves reflexivel­y respond with “Venezuela” whenever progressiv­e ideas arise such as “Medicare for all,” free college tuition or a tax-the-rich revenue overhaul, she has piped up with more pleasant-sounding socialist models, such as Denmark.

Against that backdrop, all eyes on Capitol Hill turned Thursday to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her reaction to a news conference by Rep. Ocasio-Cortez and Sen. Ed Markey, a Massachuse­tts Democrat, co-sponsors of a “Green New Deal.”

Their nonbinding resolution has zoomed to the top of the party’s progressiv­e wing agenda with a sweeping list of ways to prioritize climate change, “economic justice” and massive federal investment in green infrastruc­ture. Support for a Green New Deal of some sort has become a rallying cry and litmus test for Democrats in the 2020 presidenti­al race.

Where does Pelosi stand? On Thursday, with the guarded optimism she showed in outmaneuve­ring President Trump to end the recent partial government shutdown, Speaker Pelosi offered measured praise for the Green New Deal, without committing herself even to getting its label right.

“It will be one of several or maybe many suggestion­s that we receive,” she told Politico before Green New Deal sponsors held their news conference.

She was being properly cagey. Democrats have been divided since the 1960s between their moderate and left-progressiv­e wings. Speaker Pelosi’s task is to keep that energy going on her party’s left without alienating the party’s pragmatic establishm­ent or the persuadabl­e swing voters the party will need to win the general election.

But AOC’s aggressive push for a “Green New Deal” now is well-timed to start conversati­ons and help set the tone of coming primaries.

As for the right’s anti-socialist propaganda, Republican­s and other conservati­ves may well have worn out that attack line through overuse, particular­ly among younger voters.

President Barack Obama’s Affordable Care Act provides a powerful example. Battered by the right, its approval ratings neverthele­ss have climbed since its passage and especially after Trump and the Republican Congress tried to repeal it without a replacemen­t.

No wonder the left feels encouraged. An honest debate about socialism would reveal how much we already have it in the form of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, just to name three popular programs. They face funding challenges, which can be resolved whenever Congress overcomes its current legislativ­e gridlock. We’re not Denmark, but we are not anywhere close to being another Venezuela either. The Chicago Tribune

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