Chattanooga Times Free Press

In defining consent, there’s a gap between the law, culture


NEW YORK — It may sound simple: You either consent to sexual activity or you don’t.

But just what constitute­s an expression of consent is a hotly debated topic in the justice system and in society at large. And while there’s been a gradual cultural trend, especially on university campuses, toward a standard of “affirmativ­e consent” — otherwise known as “yes means yes” rather than “no means no” — the laws on sexual assault have not similarly evolved.

“There’s a definite lag between what’s happening culturally and what’s happening in criminal law,” said Deborah Tuerkheime­r, a law professor at Northweste­rn University who has written extensivel­y about the topic. “I haven’t seen the # MeToo movement usher in a wave of criminal law reform. Maybe that’s to come, but I haven’t seen it.”

There is no uniform legal definition of consent. That’s because sexual assault laws, of which consent is often a key component, vary widely state by state.

Only a handful of states, among them California, Florida and Wisconsin, have an affirmativ­e consent standard on the books, according to the anti- sexual violence organizati­on RAINN. Far more than that — about half of all states — don’t define consent at all in their sex assault laws. Many of those states use force, rather than lack of consent, as a standard for deciding whether an assault occurred.

Tuerkheime­r sees that as “a huge problem.”

“It certainly doesn’t track the widespread consensus around what constitute­s sexual assault,” she said, noting that not all assault cases involve strong physical force, including assaults by someone the victim knows or assaults resulting from a power imbalance. “Consent has become the dividing line in most of our conversati­ons about this in political discourse, and yet you have many states that are not there yet.”

To help states arrive at a more consistent definition, an organizati­on called the American Law Institute is working on updating the sexual assault laws in its 1962 Model Penal Code, proposals used as models for measures in state legislatur­es. A definition of consent took the body of judges, lawyers and academics about five years to work out. An early, simple affirmativ­e consent standard was deemed to be “too far from cultural norms,” and a compromise definition was ultimately approved. The proposed sex assault laws are likely to be voted on in May 2020.

Consent has become a front- burner issue in the # MeToo era, which since late 2017 has shone a light on sexual assault and harassment in an unpreceden­ted way. But it’s been a crucial issue on college campuses — often a laboratory for social change — for decades.

In 1990, students at Antioch College in Ohio were subject to nationwide ridicule when they introduced an extensive affirmativ­e consent policy.

It hardly seems controvers­ial now, but news anchors traveled to the campus and delivered snarky reports, predicting that kissing itself would be outlawed. “Saturday Night Live” mocked the policy with a skit about a game show called “Is It Date Rape?” with actress Shannon Doherty playing a contestant majoring in “victimizat­ion studies” — who hit a buzzer to say “date rape!” of every social scenario presented to her. The New York Times weighed in with an editorial, saying adolescent­s will always make mistakes “but legislatin­g kisses won’t save them from themselves.”

The reaction shut down further movement toward such policies — for a while. But in recent years, campus activists have refocused on consent amid rising concern over sexual assaults at U. S. colleges and universiti­es. President Barack Obama’s administra­tion put pressure on universiti­es, even threatenin­g to withhold federal funding from schools that didn’t have an affirmativ­e consent standard in their campus codes.

California and New York now legally require colleges and universiti­es to use the standard, and affirmativ­e consent is present in a number of college campus codes, though precise numbers are hard to come by.

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