Chattanooga Times Free Press

Pentagon proposing troop reinforcem­ents


WASHINGTON — The Pentagon on Thursday was presenting proposals to the White House to send military reinforcem­ents to the Middle East to beef up defenses against Iran amid heightened tensions in the region, acting Defense Secretary Patrick Shanahan said.

Shanahan told reporters the Defense Department has not yet determined how many troops might be sent to reinforce the existing U.S. military presence in the region.

He disputed reports by The Associated Press and others that the Pentagon was proposing to send up to 10,000 more troops. He said reports citing specific figures were “not correct,” but he would not say whether the number under considerat­ion was higher or lower.

“What we’re focused on right now is, do we have the right force protection in the Middle East,” Shanahan said, referring to defensive forces. “It may involve sending additional troops.”

He said he was in regular contact with Marine Gen. Kenneth F. McKenzie, the Central Command chief, about how to shape the U.S. force presence in the Mideast with potential Iranian threats in mind.

It’s not clear whether the White House would approve sending all of the troops proposed by the Pentagon, whatever the number. Officials said the proposed troop reinforcem­ents are not a response to any new threat from Iran but are aimed at strengthen­ing security for the U.S. forces already in the region. They said the troops would be defensive forces, and the discussion­s include additional Patriot missile batteries, more ships and increased efforts to monitor Iran.

The officials spoke on the condition of anonymity because the plans have not been formally announced.

Thursday’s meeting comes as tensions with Iran continue to simmer, and it wasn’t clear if a decision would be made during the session. Any move to deploy more forces to the Middle East would signal a shift for President Donald Trump, who has repeatedly emphasized the need to reduce America’s troop presence in the region.

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