Chattanooga Times Free Press

Move fragile items in milk cartons


Here’s a reason to start saving empty milk and juice cartons (and ask your neighbors and friends to save for you!) a few weeks before you move: They can help protect your fragile items. Just insert breakable items like glassware into the cartons. Gallon-size containers can hold larger items, and quart sizes can hold thinner items like drinkware or vases. Insert, pinch closed and voila! A protected possession ready for the journey to its new home.


Do your hands smell like onions or garlic after you’ve cooked up a storm in the kitchen? While it can seem like no amount of handwashin­g can get rid of the smell, one kitchen condiment can work wonders: mustard. Grab a jar of the yellow stuff from the fridge or open a packet from the junk drawer and rub on your hands. It works for two reasons: The vinegar in mustard helps break down smells, and the mustard seed itself is a rubefacien­t, which means it causes dilation of capillarie­s when it comes in contact with skin. This combinatio­n makes mustard a naturally amazing deodorizer.


Sure, the greenest option is to wear a certified organic perfume that’s free of harsh chemicals or artificial anything, or to wear nothing at all! But if you love a convention­al fragrance, there’s one thing you can do to make it better for you: Wear the solid version. Spray scents use chemicals called phthalates, which help fragrances last longer. Phthalates are hormone disrupters that have been linked to cancer, and many people are choosing to avoid them. Solid scents let you apply directly to your skin, which lessens the risk of harm the perfume can cause your system.


Got a few splotches of grease on your favorite shirt? Grease stains can be a nightmare to remove, so when they happen, reach for this: chalk. Chalk is a naturally absorbent material and acts like a sponge with whatever it comes in contact with. Simply rub chalk all over the grease stain and let it sit for a few hours, then dab a little dish soap on top (also a great degreaser) before tossing it in the washing machine to launder clean. Works every time!


Whether it’s for Halloween, a school play or just play time at home, avoid the temptation to use face paints that you find at costume supply stores. Many face paints are full of toxic chemicals like lead, arsenic and mercury and are incredibly unhealthy for anyone to wear. You can make your own right at home: Just add a little water to cornstarch and mix to face-paint consistenc­y, then mix in a few drops of all-natural food coloring. Stir and apply for the perfect foodgrade face paint!


The average American household throws away hundreds of dollars of food every year because it spoils before it can be consumed. One way to curb food waste (and save money!) is to look beyond fresh vegetables and consider frozen instead. Frozen vegetables are picked at peak perfection and flash-frozen. And because you can portion out exactly how much you need, the lifespan of frozen vegetables is significan­tly longer than fresh. Plus, certified organic varieties are easy to find now, which makes frozen both economical and ecological.


Did you know 1 in 6 Americans struggles to buy food at some point in the year? And approximat­ely 40% of the U.S. food supply is simply thrown away, which contribute­s to overflowin­g landfills and greenhouse gases. One retailer — Sprouts Farmers Markets — is diverting edible unsold food to local food banks, which then redistribu­te the food to people in need. To date, more than 23 million meals have been given. To do your part, support retailers like Sprouts who are working to cut waste and help others. [Closest Sprouts locations are near Nashville, Atlanta and Huntsville.]

 ??  ?? Danny Seo
Danny Seo

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